Re: Theos-World Brahmin Caste Issue
Feb 06, 2010 01:49 AM
by preethi muthiah
Dear All,
I do not have that issue of The Theosophist with me at the moment. In fact, I read it only because I was then visiting my mother who works at Adyar. But I am sure you can get hold of the August 2009 issue of The Theosophist for yourselves and clarify. Or maybe there are internet sites of the TS, eg. Australia, who publish the Watch-Tower for every month in their site.
Fraternal regards
--- On Sat, 6/2/10, Cass Silva <> wrote:
From: Cass Silva <>
Subject: Re: Theos-World Brahmin Caste Issue
Date: Saturday, 6 February, 2010, 4:15 AM
Perhaps the cogent point is that 'he was chosen', and those that did the choosing saw in him an opportunity to educate him towards the goal of being 'their next world leader'. Well they picked the wrong Brahmin didn't they, no-one can alter another person's path regardless of how much they attempt to. Bitching and moaning about any President has never had that president removed, and quite frankly, all this political twoing and frowing puts people off discovering whether Theosophy is for them or not.
I was going to hold my silence but this political ramming is just adding to the decaying of what Blavatsky gave us.
>From: sadhak1008 <whyviswanath@>
>To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>Sent: Sat, 6 February, 2010 5:19:09 AM
>Subject: Re: Theos-World Brahmin Caste Issue
>I would like to read exactly what she said before jumping to conclusions and accusing somebody of castesim. Please post her article if you have it.
>As far as I know, one of the supposed requirements for the WT to manifest was that the body must have been free of meat consumption for many lives. This need not mean a particular caste alone is qualified but in the context of the last century the odds were that a Brahmin body was more likely to satisfy the requirement. To say K was chosen because of his birth (and no other criterion) is wrong but we need to know what the president actually said.
>--- In theos-talk@yahoogro, preethi muthiah <seeker_preethi@ ...> wrote:
>> MKR and all,
>> To bring you back to the point being mentioned by myself below:
>> The President of the Theosophical Society in an article called The Watch-Tower published in every issue of the Theosophist -- which is the official organ of the President of the TS -- mentioned that JK was chosen because of his Brahmin birth to be a World Teacher.
>> So what is a casteist person like Mrs Radha Burnier doing as President of an international organization whose First Object is the creation of a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of humanity irrespective of Class, Caste, Race, Creed etc.? Don't you think it a little strange that even today despite all her untheosophical activities she is given the power and authority she has and holds?
>> Fraternally
>> Preethi
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