Re: Theos-World Theosophy vs. The present political-religious stance on the P
Jan 27, 2010 08:14 AM
by Drpsionic
The dogmatic religious people are ballast to keep the planet from acquiring
a gravitational imbalance. Other than occasionally blowing something up
or giving us something to laugh at, they don't count for very much. No
researcher worth his lab coat is going to care about them.
Chuck the Heretic
In a message dated 1/27/2010 9:46:27 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
I do not see any signs on this within the many millions of dogmatic
religous people.
We almost only view it among real and true heretics.
----- Original Message -----
From: charles cosimano
_ ( _theos-talk@yahoogrotheos-t_
( _
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Theosophy vs. The present political-religious
stance on the Parapsychological Paradigm
Look, the bulk of them already know that parapsychology is real and the
rest are not going to be influenced by letters from Theosophists.
Chuck the Heretic
_ ( _http://www.charleschttp://www._
( _
-----Original Message-----
From: Morten Nymann Olesen <_ (
_global-theosophy@global-thgl_ ( _>
To: _ ( _theos-talk@yahoogrotheos-t_
( _
Sent: Tue, Jan 26, 2010 10:32 am
Subject: Re: Theos-World Theosophy vs. The present political-religious
stance on the Parapsychological Paradigm
Come little Heretic!
You almost sound like a disappointed Cardinal turning up at a high mass
just to realise that the number of Churchgoers has fallen dramatically.
I disagree.
What if some theosophists begin to mass-mail or mass-e-mail various
news-medias and scientific institutions.
And if they asked the various groups to face the huge amount of scientific
facts and presented these facts as they are given today, namely that:
Parapsychology is real!
What would happen. There would definitely be created an impact.
The greedy dogmatics fear scientific fact, which undermines their false
M. Sufilight
----- Original Message -----
From: charles cosimano
To: _ ( _theos-talk@yahoogrotheos-t_
( _
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 6:24 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Theosophy vs. The present political-religious
stance on the Parapsychological Paradigm
It does not matter what the stand is, no one will care.
Chuck the Heretic
_ ( _http://www.charleschttp://www._
( _
-----Original Message-----
From: Morten Nymann Olesen <_ (
_global-theosophy@global-thgl_ ( _>
To: _ ( _theos-talk@yahoogrotheos-t_
Sent: Mon, Jan 25, 2010 1:09 pm
Subject: Theos-World Theosophy vs. The present political-religious stance
on the Parapsychological Paradigm
Dear friends
My views are:
I got the idea of starting a thread with the name:
"Theosophy vs. The present political-religious stance on the
Parapsychological Paradigm"
A sweet member posted the following on another forum today.
I find it interesting that the United Nations are involved with such an
activity, which clearly constitutes a direct possible shift in the human
paradigm on this planet.
Here is the beginning part of the Report which already is more than ten
years old.....
Ingo Swann (12 September 1996)
" [NOTE: The following is a reworked version of a paper I was invited to
present on 21 March 1994 at the United Nations on behalf of the Society for
Enlightenment and Transformation (SEAT) - UNSRC Enlightenment Society -
P.O.Box 20, Room S-1552, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10017]
SEAT is a reformulation and enlargement of the former unofficial UN
Parapsychology Association. SEAT, however, has been granted Non-Governmental
Organization (NGO) status and now occupies a meaningful place within the
greater U. N. system. For further information regarding SEAT and its purposes,
please be in touch with Mr. Mohammad A. Ramadan, Room S-1755, GCPO Box 20,
NY, NY, 10017 (fax 212 - 963-4879).
The original title of the paper was YOUR SEVENTEEN SENSES - THE CRUMBLING
This original paper consisted of two major topics:
(1) the major characteristics of 20th century mainstream resistance to psi
(2) recent scientific advances which now substantiate the existence of
those faculties
For the purpose of this document I have separated the two topics and will
integrate the substance of the first one in a forthcoming essay regarding
the anti-psychic mindsets of the _twentieth century. This present document
focuses on new scientific confirmation regarding the existence of certain
psi faculties. The elements presented in the 1994 paper are germane in
today's larger picture of human consciousness development and have increased in
meaning regarding the near future."
_ (
( _
- - - - - - -
In these days of Dan Brown books like "The Lost Symbol" I find the below
links interesting.In
Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)
_ (
Dean Radin
"Short Bio: Dean Radin, PhD, is Senior Scientist at the Institute of
Noetic Sciences (IONS) and Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Psychology at
Sonoma State University (Rohnert Park, CA). "
"While at Bell Labs I started to publish some of my psi experiments. Then
I started to attend the annual conferences of the Parapsychological
Association and the Society for Scientific Exploration, and to present talks at
their annual meetings. I was delighted to find groups of scientists who were
as interested in these phenomena as I was, and the contacts I made
eventually led to my gaining appointments to conduct psi research at Princeton
University, University of Edinburgh, University of Nevada, SRI International
and Interval Research Corporation. At SRI International I worked on a then
secret government-funded program of psi research. Portions of that program
have since been declassified and accounts about it (some more accurate than
others) can be found in many books. In 2000 I c_ofounded the Boundary
Institute and in 2001 became Senior Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences
(IONS). I also hold an occasional adjunct appointment in the Psychology
Department a t Sonoma State University and have been a member of the
Distinguished Consulting Faculty at Saybrook Graduate School. "
_ (
_http://www.deanradihttp://www.dehttp://w_ ( _
A comment by M. Sufilight:
We are living in an informations society these days.
My view is, that somewhere along the line the leading medias, leading
politicians, leading religious leaders (dogmatic and non-dogmatic) will have to
face the fact, that they NEED to take a stance on their view upon
PARAPSYCHOLOGY in the face of the present day scientific knowledge and research.
The question is when will this happen?
M. Sufilight
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