Re: Theos-World Adyar Convention Reporting
Jan 23, 2010 10:34 PM
by wagnerian1
Mmmmkay. Because you're doing all this world-shaking, complicated, delicate, high-stakes decision making at a Theosophy Convention. Give me a break.
Do Theosophy in your local group, and in your daily life, and if somebody wants to play secret club then by all means let them. What exactly are you wanting to do at Convention that someone isn't letting you do? How are they able to allow or disallow you do something? Are there armed guards involved? Shouting matches? Cold shoulders? Theosophists, Buddhists, etc. are all good at passive aggressive manipulation LOL Maybe there needs to be a good shouting and cursing match to get everything out in the open so that Those you serve can help Work on it too. Maybe words have lots of power, but the power isn't always obvious from the superficial meaning.
Who wants to stay at some boring ol' Headquarters anyway? Who wants to burden the Society with your upkeep, just because you "pay dues"? Why does the Society owe anyone room and board?
I could go on and on.....
--- In, Martin <Mvandertak@...> wrote:
> " I guess it's to ensure that 'members of good standing' only get to attend. Which Radha obviously does not think you are. "
> Meaning she is discriminating on "caste" and in violence of the objectives of the TS...
> ________________________________
> From: Spirituality <mail@...>
> To:
> Sent: Sat, January 23, 2010 4:10:15 PM
> Subject: Re: Theos-World Adyar Convention Reporting
> Hi Preethi,
> Actually, it's not a given that every TS member can automatically stay at the Adyar Centre. For international members there's a lot of bureaucratic hassle to be able to stay there. People don't just have to prove they are members, they have to have the explicit approval of their national section to be able to stay over.
> At least, that was the procedure for Dutch members when I went to Adyar ten years ago.
> I guess it's to ensure that 'members of good standing' only get to attend. Which Radha obviously does not think you are.
> Just because we pay a bit for its upkeep, does not mean it's a hotel at which every member automatically has admittance.
> Katinka Hesselink
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