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Re: Theos-World How important employees are let go in the USA

Oct 02, 2009 00:01 AM
by preethi muthiah

MKR, one must also see why employees are let go in organizations like the one you quote below. In organizations outside an employee is laid off because he is corrupt or inefficient. At Adyar, a worker is asked to leave because s/he is honest and efficient. So what are we talking about in the TS these days?



--- On Thu, 1/10/09, MKR <> wrote:

From: MKR <>
Subject: Theos-World How important employees are let go in the USA
To: "theos-talk" <>
Date: Thursday, 1 October, 2009, 7:05 PM


                  The firing of the top legal official of Bank of America (one of the largest

Banks in the USA)  is reported as follows:


Mr. Mayopoulos was let go the day the bank informed its board that Merrill

was bleeding money at an unexpected pace. He was immediately escorted from

the building without being permitted to return to his office, the people

with knowledge of situation said.


There have been some comments about how some employees in important

positions are let go in TS. The above gives some flavor of how employees are

fired in the USA. The classic case was when Howard Hughes fired his Chief

Operating Officer on the phone while at lunch break and the locks of the

office were changed when he went back and it took ten months and legal

intervention to retrieve his personal belongings. I have also seen an

incident in my city where an important official was called in to his office

and let go immediately.

When you occupy an important or sensitive position in any organization, one

has to be very cautious and should not be surprised if let go without any

notice. It applies all organizations.


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