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Re: Theos-World Re: Zero Point - Leon

Sep 07, 2009 06:46 PM
by Cass Silva

Thanks Brian - Are you referring to space within the zero point prior to expansion or that expansion creates space?


>From: butchie122 <>
>Sent: Tuesday, 8 September, 2009 10:53:11 AM
>Subject: Theos-World Re: Zero Point - Leon
>Cass, I don't know about the physics but the Stanzas would agree with your last statement except they call 'force' 'space'.
>Thank space we are getting away form the God idea.
>--- In theos-talk@yahoogro, Cass Silva <silva_cass@ ...> wrote:
>> Leon,
>> This is in response to a poster who struggles with the idea of a godcreated universe.  Am I on the right track?
>> Cass
>> Can I propose that this  primeval particle was a combination of matter and energy? As matter is unable to be destroyed only changed,  could this zero mass reach a point that its constitution in static equilibrium could no longer be contained and that change was the inevitable result of an inherent force acting upon itself? 
>> This then suggests that matter and energy are in a constant state of flux (albeit over billions and billions of years) from static to energetic and that expansion and contraction are  a result or an effect of changing interacting forces.
>> This then takes god out of the zero point and replaces god with 'force'.  A force that is subject to its own laws?   
>> Cass
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