Re: Theos-World Re: Rukmini Devi Arundale
Jul 30, 2009 06:30 PM
by MKR
Jason, you made my day.
I had heard thru the grapevine that Rukmini Devi Arundale was offered the
appointment as the President of India and that she declined. But this is the
first time, I am getting first hand confirmation.
For those who may not know the full background, let me elaborate. In India,
the President is nominated by the Prime Minister who runs the country, like
in England and other democracies. While it is a nominal head of the country,
and a prestigious one, it is normally held by politicians. India recently
had the first woman President. If Rukmini had accepted the offer, she would
have been the first woman to hold the office. The fact she declined the
office says a lot about her.
Rukmini is the wife of George Arundale, who succeeded Annie Besant as the
President of TS. She, single handedly revived the ancient art of Indian
Dance and world-over today, there are schools teaching Indian Dance. There
are several in most large cities even in the USA and the students usually
are the children of emigrants from India. She also started a school in Adyar
which taught Indian music and dance and some years ago, it became a National
University offering higher degrees, a very unique achievement.
This is one instance of how a theosophist connected with the public and I am
sure it helped in attracting members to the TS.
On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 6:31 PM, jasonsriram <> wrote:
> MK
> Maybe it is just a case of "see it happened before". However, I agree with
> your assessment that there was no case of claims of either electioneering or
> false or misleading statements from either party as I recall in 1980. In
> fact I was in Adyar in 1980 and have no recollection of rancour or ongoing
> spatting as is occurring now.
> In 1976 she (Rukmini) was nominated to be President of India, a post she
> declined. I spoke with her in 1981 about it and she stated she declined
> because she had "no interest in political life". So I really doubt that it
> was anything other that an unwanted result from a post she felt she was
> qualified for.
> If Betty can disclose more on the source of her information I would be very
> interested to know more on this.
> Jason
> --- In <>, MKR
> <mkr777@...> wrote:
> >
> > Six weeks ago, Betty Bland, President (National Secretary) of TS in
> America,
> > in a cyberspace write-up stated:
> > .
> > +++
> > Although no one is contesting the outcome of the 2008 presidential
> election,
> > the problem remains that the machinations of the international elections
> are
> > unsound. For example, the international presidential contest in 1980,
> when
> > Radha Burnier won over Rukmini Devi, was also fraught with differences of
> > opinion.
> > +++
> > .
> > The comments coming from the National Head of TS in America, is
> surprising
> > and need elaboration so that members can clearly understand the
> statement.
> > .
> > Dictionary defines machinations as:
> > .
> > ** a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish
> some
> > usually evil end
> > .
> > When anyone holding a high position in a spiritual organization such as
> TS
> > makes such statements, I think members are owed an explanation backing up
> > the statement.
> > .
> > The second comment about the 1980 election, is even more interesting. I
> have
> > never seen any allegation from Rukmini Devi or her supporters inside TS
> or
> > outside TS about anything questionable about the 1980 election.
> > RukminiDevi, whose husband George
> > Arundale was President succeeding Annie Besant, is very widely known in
> > India and around the world due to her long active involvement in TS and
> her
> > other outside activities. If there was any problem whatsoever with the
> 1980
> > election, we would have heard them loud and clear soon after the
> election. I
> > have not heard of any allegation or complaint. I do not know what
> > information Betty Bland is privy to that ordinary members around the
> world
> > are ignorant of. When such public statements are made, it is not
> > unreasonable for members ask for substantiation.
> > .
> > Several weeks ago, I wrote an open letter to Betty requesting
> clarification.
> > We have not heard anything so far.
> > .
> > The above situation does not help anyone. Already, level of trust many
> > members have in the TS leaders is very low. This was the result of the
> > election campaign and post election ultra secret attempt by general
> council
> > members to disenfranchise members world-wide and seize the power to
> appoint
> > the president.
> > .
> > I hope soon we will get some response substantiating the above
> statements.
> > Due to the nature of the statements, by keeping silent, the questions
> > surrounding the statements, are not going to go away.
> > .
> > MKR
> > .
> > Visit
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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