An Introduction to Theosophy
May 20, 2009 09:05 AM
by danielhcaldwell
At my website I receive inquiries from time to time from persons around the world who are interested in learning more about Theosophy.
"Where do I start? There are so many books, where should
I begin?" they want to know.
I give below three titles that will provide hours and hours of reading and study and provide inquirers, new students, etc. with alot of good food for thought.
These 3 books are also online and therefore anyone in the world can study them without buying the books.
I would suggest that the three books be read in the order given below.
(1) Knoche, Grace F. To Light a Thousand Lamps: A Theosophic Vision. 2001.
(2) Farthing, Geoffrey A. Deity, Cosmos and Man: An Outline of Esoteric Science. 1993.
(3) McDavid, William Doss. An Introduction to Esoteric Principles: A Study Guide. 3rd Edition. 2007.
Hope these titles help....
For further recommended reading, see:
Blavatsky Study Center
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