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Re: Being just and fair

May 14, 2009 09:18 PM
by danielhcaldwell


I assume you know these are generalizations and there may be exceptions.  

For example, here is:


--- In, MKR <mkr777@...> wrote:
> Let me add a few comments......
> .
> When you look at the theosophists in the west, especially in the USA and  in
> India, what strikes one is that in the USA, they relish publishing their
> photos at every opportunity (may be to send some subliminal message, perhaps
> of ethnicity), and also emphasize their academic degrees and other
> accomplishments which have nothing to do with theosophy and also write about
> their families -- spouse, children, and their grandchildren and their
> accomplishments, (but not about their girl friends or boy friends, or their
> lovers).
> .
> On the other hand, theosophists in India tend to be rather private about all
> of the above matters. Another characteristic I notice in India is that the
> leaders are rather naturally reserved and are not given to small talk or
> jokes, which is seen by some in the USA as being rather aloof or even taken
> for being arrogant and lacking social skills.
> .
> It is a good idea to be aware of the cultural differences when we look at
> the theosophical leaders in the USA and in India.
> .
> Others who are aware of cultural differences in other parts of the world,
> may want to give their feedback.
> .
> My 0.02.
> .
> .
> On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 9:47 PM, Anand <AnandGholap@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Members have right to analyze actions and policies of leaders. Just as
> > mistakes can be discussed, it is just and fair to appreciate good qualities
> > and right actions of any individuals. So, today I am writing what good
> > qualities I saw in two individuals, Ms. Betty Bland and Ms. Radha Burnier.
> > I joined Theosophical Network at ning, run by Theosophical Society in
> > America and which is fully under the control of it's President Ms. Betty
> > Bland. Ms. Bland invited discussion on disenfranchisement proposal. As I
> > thought that proposal was not good for members and the TS, I criticized Ms.
> > Bland's proposal on her own network. Logical result could have been my
> > expulsion from the network. But Ms. Bland did not expel me, even if I
> > criticized the policy of disenfranchisement. They also did not curtail my
> > freedom to speak in the network. I appreciate good treatment they gave and
> > that they did not do witch-hunting. I appreciate Ms. Betty Bland, as far as
> > this experience is concerned.
> > Many years back I attended international convention at Adyar. I saw Ms.
> > Radha Burnier getting out of the car near the entrance of the main hall. I
> > think it was a car meant for her use at HQ. It was one of the cheapest
> > models sold in India. After looking at the condition of the car, I felt it
> > was a second hand car. Another thing I noticed was she was driving that car
> > herself. Ms. Burnier was President of one of the most prestigious
> > organizations in the world, The Theosophical Society. Anybody would have
> > expected her to use expensive, luxurious cars and lifestyle. We can see
> > heads of many other spiritual organizations living luxurious life. Life of
> > Ms. Burnier is very different from lifestyle of many others. That time her
> > age of 80 or so, and one could expect that she would have a driver. But Ms.
> > Burnier was driving that cheap car herself, perhaps to save money of the TS
> > and to set example of simplicity before others. I think, she lives very
> > simple life.
> > I am not saying whether people should live simple life or luxurious life.
> > But I think there are considerable sacrifices of comforts on the part of the
> > President Ms. Radha Burnier for many decades. So, as far as this quality is
> > concerned, I appreciate her capacity to make sacrifices of physical comforts
> > for TS.
> > Best
> > Anand Gholap
> >
> >  
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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