Re: Theos-World A CLEAR AND LOUD PROTEST - Business Networking?
May 09, 2009 09:55 AM
by Govert Schuller
You have to differentiate between what the Quest Bookstore sells, what it offers on-line (all material published by the TSA and Quest Books and some Theosopohical sources), what Quest Books publishes and, for completeness sake, what the Olcott Library makes available.
Quest bookstore does sell the books by Scott, Bailey and I think Sai Baba too.
The TSA doesn't have the copyright to the early works of Krishnamurti, except for "At the Feet of the Masters." (We're waiting for the complete early works to be published by the Krishnamurti Foundation)
Some books are just out of print and might be too dated or economically unviable to re-print.
Van der Leeuw's pamphlet is on-line and can be gotten from the Olcott Library if you're a TSA member.
Were you referring to Stephen Hoeller's book "Gnosticism"? If so, let me offer a different view of his book:
Books by Tukuram Tatya and others referred to by HPB will have to wait for possible re-print till funds are available and priorities set. I'm sure if any TS has unlimited funds it would re-publish anything and all that HPB thought relevant, or which she used extensivley, etc. (But, technology might give the solution with the Gutenberg project and other efforst to get every book in the public domain on the web)
Material on CWL is not hidden. Tillett's biography is out of print, but available at the Olcott Library and his dissertation on-line.
What's your TS organization doing in this field? 8^)
----- Original Message -----
From: Morten Nymann Olesen
Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2009 4:51 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World A CLEAR AND LOUD PROTEST - Business Networking?
Allright John.
About TS selling various books, which as I see it harm the theosopchial cause we will have to disagree for now.
The question is where the limit is? How far are TS prepared to go selling books of various kinds?
Not Mein Kampf?, Not Sai Baba books (very theosophical in nature), but Ken Wilber is allright? And they will not sell the Alice A. Bailey books, but instead only CWL's books for instance his "The Science of the Sacraments" a book filled with errors, although there also are something good in it. "Man Whence How And Whither" they now wisely omit selling as well as the CWL bestseller "Our Relation to Children". - Why not sell Cyril Scott's trilogy "The Initiate" or offer the phamplet "Revelation or Realization: The Conflict in Theosophy" by J.J. van der Leeuw or the J. Krishnamurti folders/papers, showing that he called himself Maitreya or the Lord? - Indeed, above all why not Tukuram Tatya 's books highly recommended by HPB herself? Or Franz Harmann, the man with many errors, who was sold in HPB's time? - Instead a number of books by J. Krishnamurti, and some hopeless books on Tarot and Astrology, and not to offend the author a useless book named "Gnosticism". Promotiong the Dalai Lama is certainly also a political stance, but is it a theosophical one? The funny thing being, that the staunch anti-CWL theosophist G. R. S. Mead is also being sold.- Is advertisning books without telling the Seekers, that they are available online from the Internet not wrong? - TS has a choice, and they have for years not understood, that their interest in honest COMPARATIVE STUDIES have crystallized a whole lot. And we all wonder why TS seems to be-calling self-criticism a bad thing?
I wonder, why keep hiding the truth about CWL's activities and the 1906 "trial". They only make themselves suspicious and turn people away from them, well except those who are phaedophiles or those average persons who do not understand it all, until later when the knife on the bag comes forward into their hearts. The original idea was that the 'trial'-paper on CWL being kicked out should be made public when and if, the time was right. Since HPB's writings are telling a whole lot about the past history before TS was created, and the truth about various initiatates mistakes (The Key to Theosophy), I see no harm in an HONEST attitude towards ones own past.
How can a man lying about his own age can be called trustworthy and be relied upon to be THE one who discovered the World Teacher of the Age? I wonder what planet the TS leadership is living on?
Self-criticism has never been the hallmark of TS leadership since HPB and Olcott died. And such a leadership is not theosophy proper.
This is the weak spot. (I wonder if the leaders read this?)
- - - THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TS today and HPB's TS ---
Radha Burnier said: "Therefore, in the TS we do not encourage too much interest in so-called occult things."
H. P. Blavatsky said: "Let them know at once and remember always, that true Occultism or Theosophy is the "Great Renunciation of SELF," unconditionally and absolutely, in thought as in action. It is ALTRUISM, and it throws him who practises it out of calculation of the ranks of the living altogether. "
M. Sufilight
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2009 4:15 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World A CLEAR AND LOUD PROTEST - Business Networking?
I wasn't attempting to be impolite to you in any form. I did make use of the English langauge according to my impulse generated by reading your post. We all use the language variably. Usually when people protest it is because they feel some sort of outrage in some degree large or small about a perception. For considerable time I and others have read your position about leabbeaters books and other unsanctioned books you revile about over and over here in the thread of the dialogs here. You have for long time protested the lodges even carry works other then Blavatskys and certain others you approve of, I can't help feeling like you are outraged due to your own statements lol. I think it is ok to sell even those type I don't necessarily like or think helps people in the lodges and have a different view than you in this matter having previously said it helps the lodges earn income to support the rent etc. But Like you I don't like what they do now in the way they are doing it now. I am not a Theosophical Member so my view is unconsequential and counts as a big fat zero lol. But this forum is unmoderated and in America we can state our view without being buried to the neck and stoned to death, so I do , not very often, maybe once and not much a year.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Morten Nymann Olesen" <>
Sent: Friday, May 8, 2009 5:19:45 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Re: Theos-World A CLEAR AND LOUD PROTEST - Business Networking?
Dear John
My views are:
Let us stick to the facts. My e-mail is a protest, and not an "outrage".
It is not polite to twist my words into something else.
Yes, but this page I mention ( ) clearly uses Dan Nogas name and photo similar to his name and photo at Theosophical Network -
Others members here at theos-talk are members at the forum of this place unless it is a total false hijack. In that case I am so sorry if I was mistaken in my views.
Advertsing for the local miser is not quite theosophical.
Theosophical Network - advertises for Wired Magazine on their frontpage. A Magazine which favourizes USA and not a global thinking-pattern. And the Magazine is nationalisticly much cheaper in USA. ( Wired (magazine) - (magazine))
I am just saying this, so that the readers are aware of it, and will be able to draw their own conclusions.
M. Sufilight
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World A CLEAR AND LOUD PROTEST - Business Networking?
A funny thing happened on the way the the Forum (Zero Mostel aphorism lol). I clicked on the "Theosophical Society" on the page you are protesting about and It didn't go to Wheaton Home Page of the Theosophical Society. Why are you directing your outrage to Dan Noga???? This appears to be a "New Age Group" that possibly is "hijacking" the Theosophical Name. Theosophy never represented any part of itself as "New Age" as in the context of tarot card readers, palm readers, aura readers, psychic readers, clairevoyent readers, dowsers, prophets, new religion(s), old religions, whether for fee or free. It irkes me that some sources are pent upon pinning old superstitous populist dribble on H.P.B. and Theosophy. Oh, I forgot exorcists, cleansing professionals, demonologists, mediums, ghost catchers and chasers and hunters, devil worshippers, devil haters, angeologists, ufologists, reptilian paranoids. Wait!!! There is too much to list that is not or ever will be Theosophy!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Morten Nymann Olesen" < >
Sent: Friday, May 8, 2009 8:45:50 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Theos-World A CLEAR AND LOUD PROTEST - Business Networking?
Dear readers
My views are:
I was recently notified about the following link and Business Networking.
Over at
H. P. Blavatsky and others are being used as if she and they was behind profitmaking Businesses.
I will have to protest to those of you who read this and tell the persons behind the idea - and manner of promotion, that it is not in accordance with the theosophical teachings I know, H. P. Blavatsky and the founders of TS was behind.
Turning the Blavatsky's teachings into something like that was not asked for when she lived. And I bet it is not even today.
I have mailed Dan Noga about this.
I am not and will not promote money-making spiritism at the Masters doorstep.
M. Sufilight
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