Re: Questions for Keith - straight to the point I hope
Apr 21, 2009 01:43 PM
by sampsakuukasjarvi
Concerned Member,
You mix things. Sections don't vote the president. It is members who vote, be they in Sections or in other areas. Look at the voting results. There are voters from several countries, from more areas than just 23 current Sections.
Sections matter in the NOMINATION of presidential candidates. If a Section is big enough, it has a General Secretary as a member of the General Council. GS is allowed to nominate presidential candidates. It doesn't matter how new the members of the Section are.
I propose that we would study the internatinal rulses before we bother Keith.
--- In, "amusedwiththis" <amusedwiththis@...> wrote:
> Dear Keith,
> Does this two year rule affect a Sections eligibility to vote? Earlier you wrote:
> The status of the Colombian Section was that it did not qualify for voting rights under Rule 36(d) at the time of the election, as it only had 52 members
> The status of the South African Section was that it qualified for voting rights at the time of the election as it had 5 lodges and 259 members.
> The status of the Greek Section was that it qualified for voting rights at the time of the election as it had 6 lodges and 108 members.
> Since none of the members of the Greek and Colombian Sections that made up the required minimums for voting eligibility had been members for two consecutive years, and that the required lodge had not been existent for two consecutive years prior to International Election and voting for the new Vice President, wouldn't this fact alone disqualify those two sections or any new lodge in India? I see nothing in the International Rules to dispute my claim. Two years is two years, there is no executive privilege here.
> In my interpertation of the International Rules, the Greek Seciton and the Colombian Sections are not entitled to vote until the two year rule has been met by either its lodges or its newly joined members.
> Other sections whose membership has individual voting rights enforce the two year rule.
> Best Regards,
> CM
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