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Re: Theos-World 2 Statements to Ponder On

Mar 21, 2009 04:25 PM
by Cass Silva

There are others in the world (ironically, many, non-theosophists) who promote Blavatsky and the ancient teachings - Michael Tsarion for one (albeit with a celtic connection)  it can be done by individuals without the sandwich board - which in my view suggests almost pimping theosophy - it may sound 'exclusiveness' not to promote theosophy but my experience has been that when the time is right the philosophy presents itself.  To try to convert anyone to theosophy is following in the steps of organized religion.


From: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, 22 March, 2009 4:36:41 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World 2 Statements to Ponder On

One way to answer the questions is to go to the nearest street corner and botton-hole passers by asking "Do you know what Theosophy is? " and then "Do you know what Theosophy means? " and "Do you know who Madame Blavatsky was? " and "Do you think the Theosophical Teachings are important in your life in any way? ". Do this for a long time moving to different street corners in different parts of the city with different incomes and types of people, you will get the answers. 

----- Original Message --- 
From: "danielhcaldwell" <danielhcaldwell@> 
To: theos-talk@yahoogro 
Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2009 8:01:59 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: Theos-World 2 Statements to Ponder On 

HOW does one explain the two statements BELOW 
by the late John Coats, President of the 
Theosophical Society (Adyar) from 1973-1979? 

What caused such a state of affairs? 

Is this situation as described by Mr. Coats 
INDICATIVE of the Adyar T.S. 
organization and its "mindset"? 

Are these statements still true in 2009? 

Is such a state of affairs "good" or "bad" or 
it doesn't matter? 

The two statements are as follows: 

"The percentage of members, who have not as yet 
ever read any books by H.P. Blavatsky is 
regrettably high." The Theosophist, Feb., 1975 

"There's a great need for the deepening of the 
individual member's understanding of theosophy. 
A lot of people skate superfically over the 
surface of theosophy without really going into 
it in depth." The Theosophist, Dec. 1975. 

Blavatsky Study Center 

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