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Re: Anand on his comments about what the Chohan said

Mar 06, 2009 01:10 PM
by Anand

Every religion has orthodox side and myths. Blavatsky's many students had become blasphemers. 
I did not have much contact with students of Blavatsky. Later I came in contact with students of Blavatsky. And I realized that Blavatsky had completely failed in transforming hearts of people. Blavatskian's hearts were hardened, they had become dogmatic and blasphemers. 
 That is why I rejected Blavatsky's writing. I think teaching must be judged for it's capacity to change hearts of students. Blavatsky failed in this and so I rejected it. 
And despite myths in Bible, I found that Jesus' teaching very effectively changes hearts of people. That is why I openly support Christianity.
I am a member of many Christian groups. And after living among them, I never felt it necessary to destroy their faith in Christianity which has so effectively made them much better. If I was given the choice whether I will live among the students of Blavatsky or Christians, I will choose to live among Christians. 
And I will invent many ways to avoid Blavatkians.  
Anand Gholap

--- In, "danielhcaldwell" <danielhcaldwell@...> wrote:
> Anand,
> Let me add a few remarks to what you have written.  See your remarks below mine.
> As a student of Blavatsky and the Mahatma Letters, I am probably more
> a "Christian" than I used to be!!!
> But unless I am missing something here, Blavatsky and the Mahatmas
> only criticized what can be called exoteric Christianity, orthodox,
> or fundamentalistic Christianity.  That kind of Christianity which
> insists that the Bible must be interpreted literally.
> For example, take the Garden of Eden myth of Adam and Eve and the 2
> trees at the center of the Garden and the serpent that talks.
> There are no doubt millions and millions of Christians that believe
> that Adam and Eve were the first two humans on earth living in a
> physical garden with these two trees and the talking snake.  I have
> time and time again said to such beleivers, "are you telling me that
> if CNN took a camera and was able to time travel back 6,000 years ago
> that they could take pictures of this garden, of Adam and Eve and of
> the talking snake and then come back to 2009 and show the pictures on
> CNN worldwide??"  And most of these beleivers will usually say, Yes I
> believe it was a literal place, etc. etc.
> Now I personally believe that the Garden of Eden myth contains
> profound meaning and truth but I don't believe in the literal
> materialistic interpretation that these Christian believers have or
> that many of them insist others must believe.
> I could give 100s of other examples.
> Also you must remember that many Christians, many churches, and many
> denominations of Christianity believe that only Christianity is true
> and that all other religions including Hinduism and Theosophy are
> false and inventions of Satan.  And many of them beleive and teach
> and do missionary work insisting that unless people believe these
> teachings they are going to go to hell for eternity.
> Many Christians believe that one must accept Christ as your lord and
> savior and that you cannot be saved by any other means.  If you are
> Jewish and don't believe in the claims about Christ or if you follow
> and accept Buddha or Krishna or some other god-man or divinity, etc.,
> these kinds of Christians believe again you are going to hell.
> Certainly these particular Christian "views" or interpretations are
> not those which the Chohan and Blavatsky would agree with.  Do you?  
> There are other comments you make which I believe don't reflect what
> Blavatsky and the Mahatmas teach but I will let the above suffice for
> now and see if you comment on these things first before I continue
> with more comments.
> Daniel
> -- In, "Anand" <AnandGholap@> wrote:
> >
> > I found many students of Blavatsky and Mahatma Letters had attacked Christianity, Jesus and everything Christian. They believed Christianity is real enemy of Blavatsky's Theosophy. In order to change their views and make them understand things better, I am writing here interpretation of Chohan's message in 1881. Of course this interpretation is written assuming that letter was genuine. 
> > Paragraph in this message says:
> > >"Mystical Christianity, that is to say, that Christianity which
> > teaches self-redemption through our own Seventh principle - this
> > liberated Para-Atma (Augoeides) called by some Christ, by others
> >  Buddha, and equivalent to regeneration or rebirth in Spirit - will be
> > > found just the same truth as the Nirvana of Buddhism."
> > 
> > This is a long statement, and so some people won't understand it fully and it's implications. To make it easier to understand I will remove the comments in between and simplify above statement.
> > "Mystical Christianity.... will be found just the same truth as the Nirvana of Buddhism."
> > It means, according to this message from Chohan, Mystical Christianity and Nirvana of Buddhism are same. That means Blavatskians are wrong when they ridicule Christian things. 
> > Read one more statement from the message of Chohan.
> > "Osiris, Krishna, Buddha, Christ, will be shown as different names
> > for one and the same royal highway to final bliss - NIRVANA."
> > Here also Buddha and Christ are called different names of royal highways to Nirvana. It means Chohan accepted Christ and his path as genuine. 
> > Above analysis shows that blasphemous talks of Blavatskians against Christianity are completely against what Chohan thinks. 
> > Above written hermeneutics is written assuming that Chohan's letter was genuine. As long as Blavatsky was around, we can't be sure which message is genuine and which is not. 
> > Best
> > Anand Gholap
> > 
> > --- In, "danielhcaldwell" <danielhcaldwell@> wrote:
> > >
> > > The Chohan's message received in 1881 gives the following on "the
> > > regime of a personal God":
> > > 
> > > "The world in general, and Christendom especially, left for 2,000
> > > years to the regime of a personal God, as well as its political and
> > > social systems based on that idea, has now proved A FAILURE". 
> > > 
> > > Letter 1.  Caps added.
> > > 
> > > Also in this same letter, one reads:
> > > 
> > > "Once unfettered and delivered from their deadweight of dogmatic
> > > interpretations, personal names, anthropomorphic conceptions and
> > > salaried priests, the fundamental doctrines of all religions will be
> > > proved identical in their esoteric meaning. 
> > > 
> > > "Osiris, Krishna, Buddha, Christ, will be shown as different names
> > > for one and the same royal highway to final bliss - NIRVANA. 
> > > 
> > > "Mystical Christianity, that is to say, that Christianity which
> > > teaches self-redemption through our own Seventh principle - this
> > > liberated Para-Atma (Augoeides) called by some Christ, by others
> > > Buddha, and equivalent to regeneration or rebirth in Spirit - will be
> > > found just the same truth as the Nirvana of Buddhism."
> > > 
> > > See also:
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > Daniel
> > > Blavatsky Study Center
> > >
> > >
> >

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