Implications of what Anand writes on the Mahatma Letters
Mar 03, 2009 07:44 AM
by danielhcaldwell
Implications of what Anand writes on the Mahatma Letters & the
Anand writes:
It means we can't assume that Mahatma Letters were accurate
transcription of Masters words.
Well then if we take what Anand says and apply this to
the letters that Anand says were sent from the Mahatma KH to
C.W. Leadbeater, then we can't assume these letters are accurate
transcriptions of the Masters words either.
Therefore when Anand says that a KH letter to C.W. Leadbeater is a
confirmation of something, then we can simply say no this letter is
not a confirmation of anything since we can't assume this letter is
an accurate transcription of the Master's words. This all following
Anand's own reasoning.
And based on other statements that Anand has made from time to time
about how HPB would deceive her followers on this that or the other
then we can't even be sure these letters to C.W. Leadbeater were from
any Master at all.
Also if we are to believe as Anand apparently wants us to that HPB
would even have a "doll" made up to masquerade as the Mahatma thereby
fooling some of HPB's own followers and "chelas", then if she would
stoop to such deception, then all these letters including the ones to
C.W. Leadbeater are no evidence of any Master...period. HPB wrote
all of the letters with no input from any Master....How could
a "doll" or Monsieur Coulomb dressed up as a Mahatma provide any
ideas for a letter?????
And remember in previous months Anand has been advocating to all true
researchers the idea that all appearances of the Mahatmas even from
distance locations when HPB was hundreds of miles away could have
been produced by HPB's psychic powers. Therefore even Leadbeater's
claim that he received visits from the Mahatmas when he went to India
prove nothing since HPB probably deceived him either with a "doll", a
confederate or she herself produced the apparition using her psychic
powers. Remember Anand is more than happy to promote the idea that
HPB was a Master herself of deception.
As to C.W. Leadbeater's claim that he encountered and communicated
with the Mahatmas after HPB died, then his claims must be looked at
in relationship to the dozens of other people who claimed they too
were in communication with the Masters.
Alice Bailey claimed she was in contact with Master KH. Does Anand
accept her claim?
G. de Purucker claimed similar contact and claimed to be the
messenger of the Mahatmas. Does Anand believe Purucker's claims?
Or Elizabeth Claire Prophet's claim to be in contact with Koot Hoomi?
And one can go through the whole list of people that I have given
Therefore C.W. Leadbeater's claim is certainly not unique or special
and to single him out among all the claimants makes no good sense.
Just because Anand wants to beleive Leadbeater is the greatest saint
occultist of all times doesn't make it so....There are no doubt
followers of Bailey, Purucker and Prophet who consider them to be the
greatest saint, seer, occultist or whatever....
And speaking of deception, if HPB was a Master of deception as Anand
has presented her to be over the last few years on Theos-Talk, then
why not consider that Leadbeater too was a master of deception. He
learned well from Madame Blavatsky!
And we have good evidence to support the contention that his claim to
have meet the Mahatma Morya in London in 1851 is untrue and false.
Why? Simply because as Gregory Tillett has amply documented here on
Theos-Talk Leadbeater was born in 1854. Therefore his claim to have
meet the Mahatma in 1851 when he was four years old collapses.
And if HPB is the master of deception as Anand has tried to paint her
all these years, who would credit her statement that she meet a
Mahatma in London in 1851. Sure.... Remember this is the woman
Anand claims faked appearances of the Masters by using a "doll" or a
confederate in disguise. For such a woman who would stoop to such
deception, how easy would it be for her to simply tell a yarn, a lie
to the effect that she had first meet her Master in his physical body
in London in 1851. She didn't have to even have anyone dress up and
pretend to be the Mahatma. She simply lied.
And then when we find that Mr. Leadbeater wasn't even born until
1854, one can conclude that he also told his yarn and lie about
meeting the Mahatma in 1851.
And why would it be surprising that Mr. Leadbeater would engage in
lies and deception when his first teacher and the founder of the
Theosophical Society was herself an accomplished liar and deceiver as
Anand has wanted to paint her. He must have learned well from Madame
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