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Anand, what ethics does the Master KH have?????

Feb 22, 2009 09:43 PM
by danielhcaldwell

In the article by H.P. Blavatsky, she writes:

We have been asked by a correspondent why he should not "be free to
suspect some of the so-called 'precipitated' [Mahatma] letters [from
Koot Hoomi and Morya] as being forgeries," giving as his reason for
it that while some of them bear the stamp of (to him) undeniable
genuineness, others seem from their contents and style, to be

I invite the attentive reader to PONDER on one paragraph of
HPB's reply to the above. She writes:

But there is another, and a far worse condition implied. For all that
the recipient of "occult" letters can possibly know, and on the
simple grounds of probability and COMMON HONESTY, the unseen
correspondent [that is, Master Koot Hoomi] who would tolerate one
single fraudulent line in his name, would wink at an unlimited
repetition of the deception....
caps added.

Quoted from:

Now let us consider this quote in the present context of what Anand
has been saying for months about the Mahatma letters.

On the one hand, Anand tells us that he is indeed a believer in the
existence of the Master Koot Hoomi. And yet Anand apparently is
willing to believe that H.P. Blavatsky, the messenger of Master Koot
Hoomi to the public, actually faked letters from Master Koot Hoomi
and apparently this "faking" occurred over a period of years.

But if the Master KH is really an adept or Master, then would he not
have been aware that Madame Blavatsky was palming off fake letters
using his name???

And would not the Master KH know that Mr. Sinnett is being deceived
by these fake letters and would not the Master know that Sinnett is
even publishing some of these fake letters in ESOTERIC BUDDHISM

Surely the Master KH would be aware that these "faked" letters being
published in ESOTERIC BUDDHISM would deceive and mislead hundreds if
not thousands of readers.

What kind of "Master" would allow such things to occur???

What kind of ethics, morality and even "common honesty" does the
Master Koot Hoomi have if such are the "facts" Anand wants us to 

And consider one more point.

In 1884 with all this supposed faking and deceiving being done by
HPB, does Anand really believe that the Master KH would still use
H.P. Blavatsky to send genuine letters to C.W. Leadbeater?

If HPB had already been deceiving A.P. Sinnett over several years in
to believing that certain letters were from the Master when actually
they were not, why should we believe that in 1884 the real KH sent
the following letter through HPB to C.W. Leadbeater???

Since your intuition led you in the right direction and made you
understand that it was my desire you should go to Adyar immediately -
I may say more. The sooner you go the better. Do not lose one day
more than you can help. Sail on the 5th if possible. Join Upasika at
Alexandria. Let no one know you are going and may the blessing of our
Lord, and my poor blessing shield you from every evil in your new
life. Greeting to you my new chela.

K. H.

Show my notes to no one.

If HPB could deceive Sinnett with fake Mahatma letters, why would she
not ALSO deceive Mr. Leadbeater?????

Following the wonderful "reasoning" of Anand, this supposed letter 
from Master KH  was not from the real KH but simply fabricated by HPB 
and palmed off on poor Mr. Leadbeater.


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