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Re: Theos-World Re: P. Krishna is one of the biggest threats to the Theosophical Society

Feb 03, 2009 11:42 PM
by Morten Nymann Olesen

What is the problem?
Was I stating the Truth?

M. Sufilight

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Cass Silva 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 3:10 AM
  Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: P. Krishna is one of the biggest threats to the Theosophical Society

  For God's sake Morten can we discuss Theosophy instead of politics??????

  --- On Wed, 4/2/09, Morten Nymann Olesen <> wrote:

  From: Morten Nymann Olesen <>
  Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: P. Krishna is one of the biggest threats to the Theosophical Society
  Received: Wednesday, 4 February, 2009, 4:36 AM

  Dear friends and all

  My views are.

  HPB said in her Key to Theosophy, that the leaders and members aught to set an example for the members and the world.

  Blavatsky wrote in The Key to Theosophy, p. 248:

  ENQUIRER. How do you expect the Fellows of your Society to help in the work?

  THEOSOPHIST. First by studying and comprehending the theosophical doctrines, so that they may teach others, especially the young people. Secondly, by taking every opportunity of talking to others and explaining to them what Theosophy is, and what it is not; by removing misconceptions and spreading an interest in the subject. Thirdly, by assisting in circulating our literature, by buying books when they have the means, by lending and giving them and by inducing their friends to do so. Fourthly, by defending the Society from the unjust aspersions cast upon it, by every legitimate device in their power. Fifth, and most important of all, by the example of their own lives. "
  http://www.phx- ult-lodge. org/aKEY. htm

  I for one would never teach the young people to do like CWL, and his J. Krishnamurti Messiah in the flesh, who was letting CWL discover himself. The same on Annie Besant.


  Blavatsky wrote in The Key to Theosophy, p. 282:
  "ENQUIRER. Political articles?

  THEOSOPHIST. Never. Everything she has written throughout the seven years of her stay in India is all there in print. It deals only with the religions, ethnology, and customs of India, and with Theosophy â never with politics, of which she knows nothing and cares less. Again, two years ago she refused several contracts amounting together to about 1,200 roubles in gold per month; for she could not accept them without abandoning her work for the Society, which needed all her time and strength. She has documents to prove it.

  ENQUIRER. But why could not both she and Colonel Olcott do as othersâ notably many Theosophists â do: follow out their respective professions and devote the surplus of their time to the work of the Society?

  THEOSOPHIST. Because by serving two masters, either the professional or the philanthropic work would have had to suffer. Every true Theosophist is morally bound to sacrifice the personal to the impersonal, his own present good to the future benefit of other people. If the Founders do not set the example, who will?"
  http://www.phx- ult-lodge. org/aKEY. htm

  I love that book.
  It is very strong. I strongly suggest, that all members learn it by heart before seeking other books by later theosophists or those who later dared to call themselves theosophists!

  M. Sufilight

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: MKR 
  To: theos-talk@yahoogro 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 3:35 AM
  Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: P. Krishna is one of the biggest threats to the Theosophical Society

  Any volunteers to run for the office?

  It is simple, All you need is to launch on a lecture tour of India and keep
  on visiting all the lodges and when the election time comes, voters know who
  you are and you will get elected. Of course you can hire speech writers and
  the members would be impressed. You can of course get a lot of good help
  from past leaders as well for writing speeches.

  After you get elected, how you deal with the GC is your challenge.


  On 2/2/09, Cass Silva <silva_cass@yahoo. com> wrote:
  > Oh Gawd, does this mean that TS Heirarchy must have a noble bloodline?
  > Cass
  > --- On Tue, 3/2/09, Jayananda Hiranandani <professorjaya@<professorjaya%> >
  > wrote:
  > From: Jayananda Hiranandani <professorjaya@<professorjaya%>
  > >
  > Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: P. Krishna is one of the biggest threats to
  > the Theosophical Society
  > To: theos-talk@yahoogro <theos-talk% 40yahoogroups. com>
  > Received: Tuesday, 3 February, 2009, 11:18 AM
  > Dear Everyone:
  > In the following message, Anand Gholap states, "N. Sri Ram was President of
  > the TS for many terms. After him her daughter Radha Burnier became the
  > President of the TS for many terms.'
  > Am I incorrect in saying the after Mr. N. Sri Ram, Mr. John Coats was the
  > President of the T.S from 1973 to 1979? My knowledge of T.S. history may be
  > in error.
  > Thanks.
  > Jayananda H. Hiranandani
  > --- On Fri, 1/30/09, Anand <AnandGholap@> wrote:
  > From: Anand <AnandGholap@>
  > Subject: Theos-World Re: P. Krishna is one of the biggest threats to the
  > Theosophical Society
  > To: theos-talk@yahoogro
  > Date: Friday, January 30, 2009, 7:12 PM
  > I strongly feel that J. Krishnamurti was used by anti-Christ and I
  > don't want Theosophical Society to become instrument of anti-Christ.
  > Although there are some good qualities in Radha Burnier, she does not
  > understand that J. Krishnamurti' s teaching is not a teaching from the
  > Christ. On this point Radha Burnier is deluded.
  > Another thing is P. Krishna is close relative of Radha Burnier.
  > N. Sri Ram was President of the TS for many terms. After him her
  > daughter Radha Burnier became the President of the TS for many terms.
  > And now she wants her close relative P. Krishna to run the TS. This
  > desire to keep control of TS in one family is not good for the TS.
  > Leadership of the TS must go to persons depending upon his merit,
  > spiritual development and understanding of Theosophy and work for it.
  > But situation in last fifty years suggests that leadership is being
  > kept in one family.
  > Wise people know that TS is pseudo-democracy. John Algeo is worse
  > than Radha Burnier, and so I did not support him. But I am also
  > worried because of Radha's promotion of J. Krishnamurti in TS, as J.
  > Krishnamurti was used by anti-Christ.
  > Best
  > Anand Gholap
  > --- In theos-talk@yahoogro, "Anand" <AnandGholap@ ...> wrote:
  > >
  > > In the Adyar Convention 2008 speech given by Radha Burnier, one can
  > > notice that one person's name was mentioned most. He is P. Krishna.
  > > Attempts are being made by Radha Burnier to give him greater control
  > > in TS.
  > > This P. Krishna is one of the leaders in Krishnamurti Foundation. This
  > > person is largely responsible for introducing false doctrine of J.
  > > Krishnamurti into Theosophical Society. If members of the TS want TS
  > > to survive in future, they must preach Theosophy and not false
  > > doctrine of J. Krishnamurti. If Theosophical Society forgets what
  > > Theosophy is and starts spreading wrong ideas of J. Krishnamurti, it
  > > can become Theosophical Society without Theosophy.
  > > Some members are showing concern about future of the TS. And I thought
  > > it my duty to inform TS officers and members about the dangers which
  > > they can notice and avoid.
  > > Don't let this P. Krishna rise in TS hierarchy.
  > >
  > > Anand Gholap
  > >
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