Jan 29, 2009 11:17 AM
by Concerned Member
Dear Marie,
You missed an earlier e-mail I sent out early on, where I stated that idea's are more important than any personality involved. At one level we are all one.
The main idea's of my last e-mail are that this past presidential election was like our members going to Las Vegas. The odds always seem to favor the house. When the Adyar Administration broke the international rules and extended the deadline for only the Indian Section because the adminstration did not like the outcome of a fair race, they stacked the deck in their favor, then disposed of the evidence, and you see the outcome.
This has robbed every honest member, transparent or not, of the validity of their vote. This is the mentality of the leadship of our International Society, which is to lie, cheat, and cover up their actions, in order to maintain control and prevent change from happening.
The added insult coming from Radha that she and her supporters are better than those who supported John Algeo, is down right uncalled for and shows a definite lack of class. Maybe it is due to the effects of her stroke that caused that remark to utter from her lips. Maybe her stroke has caused her to drop her public face and she is saying things publicly that she has long felt, but only talked to others in private. Either way, it is an ugly face for any leader to wear, and demoralizing to others.
Then the heartless way the adyar administration went about ordering devoted members to leave simply because they supported the other side is a travisty, more the behavior of a bully than a compasionate person.
MKR and William Delahunt are more interested in attacking people along with their idea's, and their rhetoric is an endless, predictible diatribe, which I rarely make the time to read.
Simple enough to grasp?
From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 5:59:04 PM
Well, Amused, I suggest you start the transparency by signing your name. Or do you depend on TSA for your room and board?
Marie Johnson
-----Original Message-----
From: Concerned Member <amusedwiththis@>
To: theos-talk@yahoogro
Sent: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 5:07 pm
Dearest M K Ramadoss and William Delahunt,
I must say, that you both have become very Adept
t beating a dead horse. You have Mastered the Art of transmuting a recognizable
hought form into an indistinguishable pulp. Congratulations, I tip me hat to
hat dose it matter if members get a vote, or if the General Secretaries of
heir respective sections vote in good faith for their membership? The result
ill be the same. India will extend their voting deadline, for whoever is on
heir side: solicit votes in favor of the incumbant, and after the Phantom
allots are counted; are burned; to avoid the gaze of earthly eyes. The physical
lane is the only plane one can truly do evil.
Smoke and Mirrors;
hat is Radha and her current administration is, Smoke and Mirrors. They seem
dept at running their little 240 acre compound. The International Section is a
uch bigger place, not under their thumb. Change is in the wind, YES WE
Notice the We Can. Not the I can do what ever I want in Radha's Mind and
mperial autocratic rule. Does she rule with an iron glove? Does she have a
logging rack, where she utters the words, GET OUT som
ewhere hid in the weeds of
dyar? She and her crones
re reminiscent of the Roman Catholic Church, er, how do the song lyrics go for
eath Cab for Cutie, oh yes, now I remember, under vicious roman rule, I had my
nuckles bruised by a lady in black who said, son, fear is the heart of god, so
ent back. What happens when the smoke clears? Will the Lords of Karma really
ook the other way? Just because Radha and her lot in all their arrogant self
ighteous glory, rank with
landestine activities; that smack of subterfuge; because they are currently
etting away with it and think they
an does not mean they are exempt from such prying eyes. The Great Law turns
ithout compassion or remorse; it is as unyielding as the law of gravity.
hat one short sentence SHE UTTERED, the other side is less evolved than my
ide, Radha has
aid that SHE IS BETTER than half of the members of the Theosophical Society,
hat is, anyone who voted for John Algeo, or maybe she really means everyone?
hat do you think? Should we open this up for debate? Is SHE a leader whose
xample we want to follow? Is HERS an administration we
ant to support? Is this something you will let stand? Or will you continue to
eat the dead horse while wearing its blinders, oblivious to the truth, and
eaf to the melancholy song being sung at
BTW - Usually the finger pointers have much to hide, since they do all the
ointing and consistently shift the spotlight away from their own activities.20
keletons are in your closet I wonder? Are you willing to be as transparent as
ou urge
veryone else to be?
An Amused CM
____________ _________ _________ __
rom: MKR <mkr777@gmail. com>
o: theos-talk@yahoogro
ent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 12:30:34 AM
In the past several decades, this is the first time that we had reports from
he attendees of the GC meeting. Also, this is one of the recent meetings
here non GC members were allowed to attend. We should thank everyone who
osted reports for their valuable contribution. I think the change is a very
ositive development in that it indicates a move towards transparency, which
s going to do a lot of good to TS and theosophy.
As I had indicated in one of my earlier posts, mine is the perspective of an
rdinary member, not having held any national office nor planning to hold
ny in the future. This needs to be kept in mind when looking at my opinions
nd comments.
All the intense Internet discussions started last year with the events
urrounding nominations for the International President, continued during
he electioneering and many thought that it ended with the election. Alas,
t did not. Soon after the election, all of us woke up and surprised to
earn of a move to change the International Rules disenfranchising members
orld-wide and GC taking over election of the president. This shocked
embers world-wide for thre
e reasons; first is the disenfranchisement in
emoving the voting rights members had over a century and second was seizing
otal control of the "election" of the president. The GC members, in
ddition to having the monopoly to nominate the candidates and the move was
o monopolize the voting as well; and this would in effect make the
resident a puppet of the GC.. The third and the most shocking part was that
he move was crafted in super secrecy and even long-time members living and
orking in Adyar, Olcott and other National Centers were in total darkness
nd had to learn about it from the Internet. So in this background, the
ecember GC meeting came into strong focus.
For the past half-a-century and more, to the best of my knowledge, every
spect of the proceedings of the GC has been shrouded in greatest secrecy as
f it is forbidden to be shared with the membership. I am yet to hear a
atisfactory explanation why? TS is not a Secret organization and what
appens in the GC is not Secret. Then why everything about it being treated
s super secret is a great mystery. This is in spite of the warning from
aster K.H. in his 1900 letter that -- MISLEADING SECRECY HAS GIVEN THE
Transparency is the bulwark against any clique trying to initiate actions
etrimental to TS and Theosophy.
Two GC decisions resulting in a tie, with the President casting a vote to
reak the tie, are very telling. I think membership should know what were
he issues that=2
0led to the ties and who were in the For and Against camps.
nytime, there is a tie, it shows polarization among the GC members. The
etails probably will reveal the underlying disagreement or issue or issues,
nd some times reveal real issues no one is willing to or dares to talk
bout. In these situations, things unsaid may be more important that what is
penly said. I believe these issues are very important and should not be
eft simmering and as they are bound to blow up in our face unexpectedly in
There are comments about legality of the election procedures and the
roceedings of the GC meetings. TS at Adyar, I am sure, like any large
nternational organization, has access to and use some of the best lawyers
nd judges in legal matters to make sure that everything is done lawfully
oth in letter and spirit. All those involved in the management in Adyar are
lso very dedicated, honest and ethical theosophists one will find anywhere
n the world.
If any GC member has factual legally validated information about violation
f any law, either in the election or in the conduct of GC meetings, it is
heir moral and legal responsibility as representatives of the members in
heir respective countries, to bring it to the notice of the International
resident and the membership in their countries so that the issues can be
ddressed transparently. I do not know if any GC member filed any such
omplaint. If so, members should hear the details.
Just making allegations with no legal substance, is ve
ry unfair and unjust
nd does not help the organization or those making the allegations. This is
ll the more so, in the present environment where many leaders have lost the
rust of their membership on account of their activities during the last
One of the issues that all of us are familiar with is the membership
rowth/decline. In India, during the past decades, there has been a steady
rowth. On the other hand, in countries outside India, there is a downward
rend or had no growth. There is also a startling fact that in the Dutch
ection, no new Lodge has been chartered during last 50 years, a world
ecord. No one seems to have brought membership issue in the GC meeting,
ven though this should be the most important issue. One wonders why. Just
gnoring this issue is not going to make the issue go away.
Internet is the tool most use to communicate.. All the GC members use it to
ommunicate between themselves. They are yet to effectively use it to
ommunicate with their membership. Due to the world-wide nature of Internet,
t provides an unique opportunity for TS to use it to communicate with
embers and spread theosophy. TS is definitely lagging behind in effectively
sing Internet. I wonder why this was not discussed in the GC meeting.
It looks like what we have been told so far is just crumbs of what happened
n the meeting. Let us keep tuned. I hope there won't be any shocking
M K Ramadoss
To read all the various messages posted on Internet on TS matters, Anton's
ebsite make is easy to navigate. The links are:
<http://teozofija. info/Teozofsko_ gibanje/After_ Convention_ 2008.htm>
http://teozofija. info/Teozofsko_ gibanje/Healing_ Time.htm>
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