Jan 28, 2009 06:27 PM
by t_s_theosophist
--- In, Concerned Member <amusedwiththis@...> wrote:
> Dearest M K Ramadoss and William Delahunt,
> I must say, that you both have become very Adept
> at beating a dead horse. You have Mastered the Art of transmuting a recognizable thought form into an indistinguishable pulp. Congratulations, I tip me hat to ye.
> What dose it matter if members get a vote, or if the General Secretaries of
> their respective sections vote in good faith for their membership? The result
> will be the same. India will extend their voting deadline, for whoever is on their side: solicit votes in favor of the incumbant, and after the Phantom
> Ballots are counted; are burned; to avoid the gaze of earthly eyes. The physical plane is the only plane one can truly do evil.
> Smoke and Mirrors;
> that is Radha and her current administration is, Smoke and Mirrors. They seem
> adept at running their little 240 acre compound. The International Section is a much bigger place, not under their thumb. Change is in the wind, YES WE
> CAN.
> Notice the We Can. Not the I can do what ever I want in Radha's Mind and imperial autocratic rule. Does she rule with an iron glove? Does she have a flogging rack, where she utters the words, GET OUT somewhere hid in the weeds of Adyar? She and her crones
> are reminiscent of the Roman Catholic Church, er, how do the song lyrics go for
> Death Cab for Cutie, oh yes, now I remember, under vicious roman rule, I had my
> knuckles bruised by a lady in black who said, son, fear is the heart of god, so I never
> went back. What happens when the smoke clears? Will the Lords of Karma really
> look the other way? Just because Radha and her lot in all their arrogant self righteous glory, rank with
> clandestine activities; that smack of subterfuge; because they are currently getting away with it and think they
> can does not mean they are exempt from such prying eyes. The Great Law turns
> without compassion or remorse; it is as unyielding as the law of gravity.
> In
> that one short sentence SHE UTTERED, the other side is less evolved than my side, Radha has
> said that SHE IS BETTER than half of the members of the Theosophical Society,
> that is, anyone who voted for John Algeo, or maybe she really means everyone? What do you think? Should we open this up for debate? Is SHE a leader whose example we want to follow? Is HERS an administration we
> want to support? Is this something you will let stand? Or will you continue to
> beat the dead horse while wearing its blinders, oblivious to the truth, and deaf to the melancholy song being sung at
> Adyar?
> BTW - Usually the finger pointers have much to hide, since they do all the
> pointing and consistently shift the spotlight away from their own activities. What
> skeletons are in your closet I wonder? Are you willing to be as transparent as you urge
> everyone else to be?
> An Amused CM
> ________________________________
At least Mr. Ramadoss & I have the integrity to identify ourselves
and stand by what we think is ethical & honorable. What type of spineless creature stands behind a veil of anonymity and spews venom
such as yours.
If you had the same integrity and
courage to match your venom you might be a great person, not one as you exhibit of weak character
and dubious sanity.
You dwell in the shadows and probably always will, its' so
sad and pathetic.
Mr. N. Sri Ram stated: "
The Higher Your Source of Illumination, The Smaller the Shadow You Cast, Dwell in the Shadowless Light."
Here is to hoping that one day you find the moral courage to come out of the shadows.
William Delahunt
Orlando, Florida.
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