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Re: Theos-World Intoducing myself

Jan 02, 2009 08:35 AM
by MKR

Hi, Brown:

Welcome to the list. Please feel free to post anything of interest to you.


On 1/2/09, Brown Rose <> wrote:
>   Hello everyone,
> My name is Brown, 34, and iÂm from Portugal. Four years from now, iÂve
> started studying Theosophy, HPBÂs main books and some of Alice Baley.
> Recently iÂve been more involved in the study of kabbala, but came back
> again to the early realisation, and importance, of comparative religion
> and concepts, which i first agreed to when i started studying Theosophy.
> IÂm also subscribed to other e-lists of theosophical content, so i may be
> already known to some of the members here who also share those lists.
> Wish you all a Great year full of new spiritual achievements!
> Brown
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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