Re: Theos-World Theosophical publications in Russia for the last 5 years
Dec 28, 2008 05:47 AM
by MKR
I am glad to see the wonderful work that is being done in Russia. By the
way, are any of these publications available on-line?
On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 2:13 AM, Konstantin Zaitzev <>wrote:
> Theosophical publications in Russia for the last 5 years
> (the list may be not full)
> 2004
> Blavatsky. Key to Theosophy (with selected articles & Transactions of
> Blavatsky Lodge) 5000 copies.**
> Blavatsky. Phenomenon of Man (collection of 25 articles). 2000 copies.
> Blavatsky. Fragments of occult truth (collection of 100 articles).
> 6000 copies.
> Blavatsky. Theosophical glossary. 5000 copies.
> Blavatsky. Isis Unveiled.
> Damodar: Writings of a Hindu chela. 2000 copies.*
> Pavri. Theosophy explained in questions and answers.
> Rogers. Hints to the young occultists. 3000 copies****
> Leadbeater. Masters and the Path. (Full edition). 2000 copies***
> Leadbeater. Astral plane. 2000 copies
> Leadbeater. Devachanic plane. 5000 copies
> Leadbeater. How Theosophy came to me. 3000 copies*
> Leadbeater. Dreams, what they are and how they are caused. 2000 copies
> Chatterji, Holloway. Man: fragments of forgotten history. 3000 copies.*
> Besant. Teaching of the Heart. 2000 copies.
> Anonymous. Dream of Ravana with the comments ascribed to K.H. 1500
> copies.*
> 2005
> Blavatsky. Key to Theosophy (separate edition) 5000 copies. (2004 ed.
> also reprinted)
> Leadbeater. Inner Life. (Abridged edition) 5000 copies.
> Besant, Leadbeater. Thoughtforms. 1500 copies.
> Barborka. Mahatmas & their letters. 3000 copies.*
> Taimni. Glimpses into the psychology of yoga
> 2006
> Blavatsky. Transactions of Blavatsky Lodge. 2000 copies.
> Blavatsky. The Secret Doctrine, vol. 3. 10000 copies.
> Blavatsky. Isis Unveiled.
> C. Jinarajadasa. Practical Theosophy (with addition of articles on the
> topic by Blavatsky, Olcott, Judge & Leadbeater) 3000 copies.*
> G. Hodson. Miracle of Birth. 3000 copies.*
> Mahatma letters to A.P. Sinnett. 2000 copies.
> C.W. Leadbeater, in one volume titled "Life after death":
> Life after death
> Invisible Helpers***
> Astral Plane
> Devachanic Plane
> Buddhic consciousness*
> Sketches on prehistoric civilisations (from Man: whence how & whither)
> Future of the Theosophical Society*
> 5000 copies
> A. Besant, in one volume titled "Laws of Higher Life":
> In the outer court
> Laws of higher life
> Riddles of life and how theosophy answers them
> Evolution of life and form
> Path of the discipleship
> On suffering. On joy.
> Comments to the Bhagavad Gita
> Thought power, its control and culture
> Avataras
> 3000 copies
> Various authors, in the volume titled "Secret of the Sphinx. Truth
> about Blavatsky":
> V. Zhelihovskaya. Raddha-bai, or the truth about Blavatsky
> C. Leadbeater. Chapters on Blavatsky from "How theosophy came to me"
> E. Pisareva. Helena Petrovna Blavatskaya.
> A. Kamenskaya. Mission of H.P. Blavatsky.
> Pupils about Blavatsky (various): Olcott, Besant, Keightley, etc.
> M. Hotchener. Theosophy and theosophists
> H.P. Blavatsky:
> Gems of East, Voice of Silence,* Occultism vs occult arts, Some
> instructions for everyday use.
> 3000 copies
> Various authors, in the volume titled "Helena Blavatsky: destinies and
> faces":
> A. Sobolev. Helena Petrovna Blavatskaya.
> H.P. Blavatsky. Original programme of the Theosophical Society.*
> Short biographic sketches on all presidents of Theosophical Society
> and also on W.Q. Judge.
> K.H. to Gebrard (1884) and to Besant (1900)*
> 900 copies.
> 2007
> Judge. Ocean of theosophy + Letters which helped me. 1000 copies.
> Leadbeater. The Astral Plane
> Leadbeater. How clairvoyance is developed (+ Difficultes in
> clairvoyance and Reality of astral plane) 3000 copies
> Leadbeater. Invisible Helpers. 3000 copies
> Besant. Thought power, its control and culture
> Blavatsky. Isis Unveiled.
> Blavatsky. Occultism or magic (collection of articles) 5000 copies.
> Blavatsky. Transactions of Blavatsky Lodge (dated already 2008) 5000
> copies
> Blavatsky. Fragments of occult truth (collection of articles). 3000 copies
> Blavatsky. From caves & jungles of Hidnostan. Tribes of Blue Hills.
> Durbar in Lahor. 5100 copies
> Blavatsky. The Secret Doctrine, vols. 1&2.
> 2008
> Blavatsky. The Secret Doctrine, vol. 3.
> Blavatsky. Voice of Silence + sel. articles + Light on the Path. 5000
> copies.
> Blavatsky. Voice of Silence + selected articles. 4000 copies.
> Blavatsky. Tribes of Blue Hills. 3000 copies.
> Besant, Leadbeater. Thought Forms + Dreams. 5000 copies.
> Besant, Leadbeater. Occult Chemistry* (after 1919 edition) 5000 copies.
> Besant. Man and his bodies. 3000 copies.
> Besant. Brotherhood of religions.
> Leadbeater. The hidden side of things.* 3000 copies.
> Leadbeater. Sketches on prehistorical civilisations (extr. from Man:
> whence how & whither) 5000 copies.
> Leadbeater. Masters and the Path.
> Wood. Seven rays.* 3000 copies.
> Chatterji, Holloway. Man: fragments of forgotten history. (2nd ed.
> with corrections by HPB) 2000 copies.
> Besant. Ancient Wisdom. 3000 copies.
> A. Besant, in one volume titled "Ancient Wisdom":
> Ancient Wisdom
> Esoteric Cristianity
> Thought Power, its control and culture
> Occultism, semi-occultism and pseudo-occultism
> Necessity for reincarnation
> _____________
> * First printing in Russian
> ** First printing of a new translation
> *** First full printing
> **** Reprinted for the first time since 1922
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