Re: Theos-World Re: Did Blavatsky forge Mahatma Letters?
Dec 15, 2008 01:46 PM
by Cass Silva
Found this and more at your website
ÂÂÂSome years later it became necessary to explain: "When I publicly said that I had received, after H.P. Blavatsky's death, letters in the writing, that H.P. Blavatsky had been accused of forging, I referred to letters given to me by Mr. Judge, and as they were in the well-known script, I never dreamt of challenging their source. I know now that they were not written or precipitated by the Master, but that they were done by Mr. Judge; but I also believe that the gist of these messages was psychically received, and that Mr. Judge's error lay in giving them to me in a script written by himself and not saying so. . . Having been myself mistaken, I in turn misled the public."ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ
The August Theosophist just to hand contains another embittered attack on Mr. T.H. Martyn, President of the Sydney Lodge, by Mrs. Annie Besant. Last May, in The Theosophist, Mrs. Besant wrote that Mr. Martyn had, in a lecture on the Masters, used most insulting language about Them. Being myself present at the lecture in question, I knew Mrs. Besant's statement to be untrue. The whole lecture affirmed the existence of Masters, and was entirely appreciative of Them. Everyone who knows Mr. Martyn as a lecturer and writer knows that he never hesitates to express his personal acceptance of this tenet of the Ancient Wisdom. Imagine the astonishment of scores of people, including myself, who, having heard this lecture, read the gross misrepresentations of a woman held up to T.S. members as worthy not only of their respect, but of their veneration. I wrote to The Theosophist last June repudiating Mrs. Besant's falsehood, and this letter is printed in the "Watch
Tower Notes" of the August Theosophist, with further misrepresentations by Mrs. Besant.
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂI now go more into detail than in my letter to The Theosophist, and take the opportunity of explaining the actual facts.
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂIn introducing his subject at this particular lecture, Mr., Martyn quoted from The Key to Theosophy, what H.P. Blavatsky herself says on the subject of Masters. The Daily Telegraph reporter makes his own brief summary, as reporters do. I now reproduce in opposite columns exactly what H.P.B. writes in "The Key" which is exactly what Mr. Martyn read out to his audience, and opposite, I reproduce what our "revered leader," Annie Besant, sees fit to put into Mr. Martyn's mouth and her scandalous comments. Mrs. Besant's slur on "the character of the audience" (about 700 persons), shows the real type of Mrs. Besant's psychological make up, the mentality, that is, of Mrs. Besant, when at bay, and unable or unwilling to answer a few questions put to her in Mr. Martyn's letter of May, 1920.
From: Katinka Hesselink <>
Sent: Tuesday, 16 December, 2008 12:21:17 AM
Subject: Theos-World Re: Did Blavatsky forge Mahatma Letters?
The Masters were very clear on this: they needed Blavatsky as go
between for the psychic processes.
Personally I'm not that surprised that they would use different
techniques at different times in history. During Blavatsky's life they
wrote letters - but most of their chelas received messages from them
differently: either clairvoyantly, or simply face to face.
Isn't that what Leadbeater claimed as well?
But the unique thing was: Sinnett was NOT a chela or regular student
of the masters. The latter chose to communicate with him anyhow,
because he stood a chance of opening up western thought to
possibilities that no one else could make clear like he could.
http://www.katinkah esselink. net/
--- In theos-talk@yahoogro, "Anand" <AnandGholap@ ...> wrote:
> After Blavatsky's death all people stopped receiving "Mahatma
> Letters". What conclusions we can draw from it? According to
> Blavatsky, Masters don't write letters physically, it is chelas who
> write letters. Masters had many chelas like Subba Rao, Leadbeater,
> Damodar Mavlankar (from my state). Most of these chelas did not write
> letters for Mahatmas. If Masters really wanted to write letters, they
> would have used many other chelas also. Does that mean initiative to
> materialize letters was from Blavatsky, and not from the Masters?
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