A Summary of the Paradigm: Extending the Metaphor: Determining the Reality...
Dec 12, 2008 05:22 PM
by Leon Maurer
Thank you Dirk, for clarifying the use of the phrase "multilayered
hologram" to describe the true nature of the holistic (or holonomic
as Pribram calls it) structure of the overall cosmos or total universe.
This fits in perfectly with my fractal involved hyperspherical field
theory... Which postulates that the cosmos forms, holistically,
harmonically, and interpenetratively out of the primal unconditioned
or *absolute* space (primal substance) -- from its initial
cosmogenesis on down through each descending world of increasing
density (frequency energy phase order) -- as a matrix of
interconnected hyperspherical (toroidal) fields within fields, within
fields, within fields, etc., surrounding every zero-point singularity
(near infinite spin momentum) throughout total space. See:
Each such coadunate but not consubstantial field, vibrates at varying
frequency energies between near infinite to near zero -- with our
metric physical spacetime (or fourth lowest world of the third Logos
of cosmogenesis) vibrating at the spectrum between the longest radio
waves and shortest gamma waves traveling at the photon light speed...
With the higher order (astral, mental, spiritual) cosmic fields of
consciousness still surrounding every zero-point of absolute space
located everywhere in that metric physical space.
This enables the information of consciousness to be carried as
modulated holographic wave interference patterns, that can be
transformed/transmitted from one hyperspace layer to another by phase
conjugate adaptive resonance.
Thereby, allowing absolute consciousness (unconditioned awareness,
will) -- located at every zero-point origin of the holonomic
multilayered fields -- to reconstruct and detect the holographic
information of sensory or memory images (stored on different higher
order fields) by simple reflection of a coherent radiation projected
from the spin momentum surrounding that point.
This is a perfect analog of the way we perceive holographic visual
images as if seen from a single point in the center of our head.
Thus, every zero-point in the surface of the eye lens carries a full
holographic image of the entire visual field. A simple pin hole
camera is clear evidence of this holographic nature of the
information carried on the surface of each layer of the fractal
involved harmonic fields in total space.
Thus, the entire structure of everything in the universe, down to the
smallest particle in quantum or sub quantum space is simply an
analogous replica of the original cosmogenesis. As the ancient
occultists say, "As above, so below", and, "The microcosm is the
mirror of the macrocosm." From this basis, all physics and chemistry
evolves in accord with the laws of electrodynamics and thermodynamics.
See a cross-sectional diagram of an oncoming photon spherical
standing wave and its circular polarization -- analogous to light on
the higher order fields of cosmogenesis ... Thus, we have an astral
light a mental light and a spiritual light -- all accessible to
Incidentally, it is also helpful to know that each analogous fractal
involved field is composed of infinite parallel lines of primal zero-
point G-force emanted from opposite poles of each multi polar
singularity. These rays or superstrings travel linearly on an
endless triple cycled Mobius-Klein spiral vortex path, and vibrate
laterally at the natural resonant frequency of each field -- stepping
down from near infinite on the spiritual plane to near zero on the
physical-material plane.
The analog of this is the twin spiral strand DNA molecules that are
holonomically located in every cell -- but also carry the entire
information for the protein structure of the overall body and all its
individual cells encoded in the enfoldment of its electrochemical and
higher order resonant field structures of the four bases between the
twin strands. Thus, in addition to the genes, themselves, the entire
human body and all its cells and organs are composed of interactive
multilayered holograms on the surface of all their fractal involved
harmonic fields -- analogous to the structure of the entire total
space of the universe, beginning at the moment of cosmogenesis.
Thus, the ideal image of man contained in the highest order spiritual
field of cosmogenesis is reflected in the analogous field on the
physical plane... This is the general model of the physical bodies of
each human being, modified by the infinite possible physical
differences introduced by the modified structure of the individual
DNA molecules.
It's also obvious from this model that, as Einstein said, "Energy is
space in motion"... And thereby, the individual quantum particles are
apparently, knots if energy or standing waves, at different frequency-
energies, on the surface of the total spacetime continuum (or
"Aether") of the fourth lowest order physical/material world we
So, I wonder how this model of overall multi level holographic
reality might be integrated with your holon/pelestration model --
since we seem to looking at the same thing from different viewpoints,
and coming to the same holonomic conclusions?
The main difference, as I see it, is that, according to the ABC
model, all harmonic radiant gravitational or electrodynamic fields
are generated from the poles of spherical singularities and are
analogously hyperspherical in nature.
Thus, while the initial absolute space is flat... All subsequent
radiant harmonic fields (layered as bubbles within bubbles, within
bubbles, within bubbles,, etc.) either after initial cosmogenesis, or
the genesis of any form of ponderable matter -- are fundamentally
Therefore, due to the analogous interpenetration of all these fractal
involved fields at all levels of frequency-energy phase orders -- the
overall periodically manifest universe, as well as all its component
parts are holographic in nature... And their *information* is based
on cyclic wave motions that are formed into modulated wave
interference patterns... With all such fields and their frequencies
originating from fundamental circular spin... And, their "time"
measure beginning with the cyclic change of the initial vibrational
frequency of the first triune cosmic field.
Thereby, the speed of light would vary exponentially from one
hyperspace field order to another -- i.e., from 'c' on the physical
level to 'c^6' on the spiritual level... Thereby, accounting for the
instantaneousness of thought, along with the recollection, cross
referencing, and integration of memories occurring or stored on the
higher order "astro-biological coenergetic" mind fields.
All of the above being the fundamental basis of the experientially
modifiable (and thus apparently randomized) fractal and spiral
vortical structures of all biological forms -- reflected in the
variably malleable neural structures of the brain, and the variable
symmetries and asymmetries of the body -- similar to all other
sentient beings.
Any questions?
Best wishes,
Leon Maurer
On Dec 9, 2008, at 12/9/087:30 AM, pelastration wrote:
> --- \Leon Maurer <leonmaurer@...> wrote:
>> On Dec 6, 2008, at 12/6/088:44 AM, chris lofting wrote:
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: MindBrain@yahoogroups.com
>>>> [mailto:MindBrain@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Leon Maurer
>>>> Sent: Saturday, 6 December 2008 7:02 PM
>>>> To: MindBrain@yahoogroups.com
>>>> Subject: Re: [Mind and Brain] A Summary of the Paradigm:
>>>> Extending the Metaphor
>>>> snip
>> And, again, you now confuse the idea of an electrodynamic
>> holographic universe with the flat holograms of ordinary laser
>> photography -- which of course is fuzzy - since the film emulsion has
>> grain, and even the substrate is particulate and thus, asymmetric.
>> But the radiant higher order, symmetric fields of hyperspace
>> (relative to the physical level of the brain and its electromagnetic
>> fields) are grainless and continuous, like a BEC... And the
>> holographic images they carry can be not only entirely precise, but
>> instantaneous as well.
> Leon, in that case IMO you can not use the term "holographic".
> Holography is just about the surface (of an object), not about the
> inner structure.
> In example - Frank Wilczek - use the term "multi-layered", like I do
> in my holon theory.( http://www.mu6.com/animated_tree.html )
> Best,
> dirk
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