Re: Theos-World Re: aeon
Dec 11, 2008 03:26 PM
by Raquel Rodríguez
Hi Christina
Yes, HPB gives an insight to the symbols on page 4 proem SD Volume I, from the circle- Parabrahman-Mulaprakriti towards the awakening of the Consciousness.
What Gordon Plummer does, it is a widening explanation of this numerical an geometrical development of The One Consciousness within the circle. Thus following a geometrical and mathematical law, based on the golden section, from where all forms and the time periods of the forms develop.
I can not recall whether the eon it is treated here, there are plenty of thinks of this book I can not recall as it has got so much substance I would have to read it many times, but I am sure it treats the age of Brahma in depth and very clearly, you migth really enjoy this book, whether you can find it, it is also small and easy to give a bird eye now and then one specific subjects.
Best Regards
--- El jue, 11/12/08, christinaleestemaker <> escribió:
De: christinaleestemaker <>
Asunto: Theos-World Re: aeon
Fecha: jueves, 11 diciembre, 2008 1:58
Thanks Raquel, yes sure this will help, for this are the books I have
not seen yet.
No I don't buy from Amazon or other overseas, because after payment
mostly the package will not arrive here.
We have and that works very good.Always the books arrive for
practicle little money on sending 1,95 euro is real cheap and
sometimes they offer without that.
I shall look if they have that book.They have more than 1 million
books on spirituality and philosophy. have only
>From Atom To Kosmos | L. Gordon Plummer
A Theosophical Study In Evolution 1940
In 1989 there is printed a new reversed Quest book
The Circulation Of The Cosmos | G. De Purucker they have this book
possibly this will be interesting
HPB SDI p 4 gives an sight on the symbols Aditi etc.
--- In theos-talk@yahoogro, Raquel Rodríguez <raquel_rpj@ ...>
> Hi Christina
> You can find the explanation of the calculation of the day of
Brahma, in "The Mathematics of the Cosmic mind", recently called
"Sacred Geometry" by Gordon Plummer. The book was taken of line and
in Point Loma Publications it is now out of print,
> http://www.wisdomtr aditions. com/byauthortiti le/byauthor. html#P
> I do not know why, it is such a beautiful book. you probably can
find a second hand one at Amazon, but as far as I remember you do not
like to buy through Internet, but most probably you can find this
book in the wonderful Dutch book stores.
> http://tinyurl. com/5ezzow
> The conclusion of the number is arrived by calculations on the
golden section within the geometrical development of the circle, a
very clearly and beautifully explanation of Neo-Platonic philosophy.
> The introduction of this calculations are already given by HPB on
the SD volume one
> http://blavatskystu dycenter. org/
> I hope this helps
> Raquel
> --- El jue, 11/12/08, Katinka Hesselink <mail@...> escribió:
> De: Katinka Hesselink <mail@...>
> Asunto: Theos-World Re: aeon
> Para: theos-talk@yahoogro
> Fecha: jueves, 11 diciembre, 2008 10:50
> Hi Christina,
> Sounds to me that person is simply wrong. If you checked the
> Writings, the Key to Theosophy AND the Secret Doctrine, why doubt
> yourself?
> Katinka
> http://www.allconsi
> http://www.katinkah esselink. net/
> http://www.squidoo. com/katinkahesse link/
> --- In theos-talk@yahoogro, "christinaleestemak er"
> <christinaleestemak er@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Friends can anyone give answer to this
> > HPB should have written that an aeon is 44.434.285.000. 000
> > could not find that anywere only she mentioned a day of brahma
> > the century of brahma that is 311.040.000. 000.000
> > well we live not as long as that; but how that person comes on
> > information not to be find in SD I ,II and III as in collected
> > writings and key to theosophy.
> > Christina
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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