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Re: Comments on some statements in Pseudo-letter No. 10

Nov 16, 2008 12:35 PM
by Anand

--- In, "Anton Rozman" <anton_rozman@...>
> Dear Anand,
> >But then why should we meet in Theosophical lodge?<
> Well, let me remind you about the objects and purpose of the 
> Theosophical Society:
> 1. To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, 
> without distinction of race, creed, caste or color. 
> 2. To encourage the study of Comparative Religion, Philosophy and 
> Science. 
> 3. To investigate unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in 
> man.
> For our doctrines to practically react on the so-called moral code, 
> or the ideas of truthfulness, purity, self-denial, charity, etc., we 
> have to preach and popularize a knowledge of Theosophy.
Comments by Anand Gholap:
Whatever the objects of the TS may be. We need to understand why a
person goes to Theosophical lodge (and becomes members of the TS). TS
might have certain objects, but person goes to TS lodge for his own
reasons. And his own reasons may be different from objects of the TS.
When person comes to TS lodge and continues to come to it, he
generally wants to study with other students in the lodge who are
studying the same creed, as this person is interested in. 
So, if person is interested in Blavatsky-creed, he will come to a
lodge which is studying Blavatsky's writing. Similarly if a person is
interested in studying and discussing Leadbeater-creed, he will come
to a lodge if others in the lodge are studying and discussing
Person comes to the lodge because of his own objects and not for the
objects of the TS. It sounds selfish, but that is the truth. Person
comes to the lodge to achieve his own objects and not necessarily for
achieving objects of the TS. This object may be somewhat spiritual,
like study of the creed e.g. Leadbeater-creed, but it is still his own

Let us analyse the statement.
" For our doctrines to practically react on the so-called moral code, 
 or the ideas of truthfulness, purity, self-denial, charity, etc., we 
have to preach and popularize a knowledge of Theosophy."
Here it is not defined what Theosophy is. By some thought it becomes
clear that Theosophy here means writing of some prominent
Theosophists. That means writings of these prominent Theosophists
becomes a creed for the TS. So, TS saying that it does not have creed
is not so true. 

Anand Gholap

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