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Re: Theos-World TS - Predicting the future developments

Nov 13, 2008 01:01 AM
by Martin

Yow MKR,

As you may know, foretelling the future is like forecasting the weather: since it is always changing, there is no absolute way of telling what is to happen. Especially when you bear in mind, forces from outer (and inner) space do visit this "Naraka world" as well, especially when it is in great need. So when another causeless cause is launched, the future and past are all upside down and upset. Nature has tremendous and mysterious ways to even fool any Bodhisatva or Avatar in these 3 worlds, however a Buddha can't be fooled here. On the other hand "Cosmic Kama" is meant to develop pure and catharsed ( I bet this is a new word ) willpower or courage, based on the experience of longevity and previous lives (as well from the future as well as from the past).
With this in mind, one could say, the element of surprise is far more interesting than to know at forehand what will happen..else this plane would be a booooorinnnnggg place...
So in spite of KH and Morya claiming they have "masters who know", they were even themselves (with others) playing the game of forecasting and prophecizing in one of their favorite places: Simla. Their superiors do know the future but only based on past karma, not on new arriving causes, from the future and from the now. So the past is fixed and realized and based on the realized truth, one could foretell according the law of past karma, what is about to happen, but only to a certain extend (with new changes to arrive etc.).

--- On Thu, 11/13/08, MKR <> wrote:
From: MKR <>
Subject: Theos-World TS - Predicting the future developments
To:, "theos-l" <>
Date: Thursday, November 13, 2008, 6:59 AM

            Events about TS go out to the world thru Wiki. In the Wiki about

theosophical society, it is stated:


"Because of James Long's controversial election in 1951, some theosophical

lodges separated from the TS Pasadena. The Dutch section of the TS under its

president D.J.P. Kok and other societies didn't accept the controversial

election. The societies that separated themselves from the TS Pasadena

formed the Theosophical Society Point Loma-Covina. "


So in the past when some lodges did not agree with the election, they seem

to have chosen to set up their own Society. Of course in a sense it is not

bad. At least it would avoid pestering infighting and backstabbing and

trouble creating in the Society.

Looking at what has been going on in TS-Adyar election and its aftermath and

the attempt to disenfranchise members and the attempt to seize power by a

small group of General Council members and the reported continued harassment

of the International Secretary and possible attempts to undermine the

President elected overwhelmingly by members around the world, do anyone want

to predict if some lodges/section may leave and form their own society? May

be astrologers and tea leaf readers can help. I have seen some astrological

predictions turn out to be true.



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