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Re: EM Human Field Toroidal

Nov 03, 2008 11:23 AM
by Leon Maurer

On Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:48 am ((PDT)) "rybo6" os_jbug  
> On Oct 25, 2008, at 1:26 AM, Leon Maurer wrote:
>> This lowest order space [ 4th ]is the entire physical (metric)
>> aspect of Einstein's Space-Time Continuum" including the hyperspace
>> vacuum (ZPE) fields.
> "entire" physical space?  Ok
>> Is NOT metaphysical...[ "metric" ]  But, refers to visible and and
>> measurable (4th world "physical") space time continuum covered by
>> the "standard model" of modern physics.
> ditto the previous
>> The unconditioned, timeless, formless, potentially infinitely
>> conscious and infinitely material (or mass-energetic) father SPACE
>> [ "absolute" ] -- that eternally exists whether or not there are
>> conditioned universes.  This Space is everywhere, forever
>> undiminishable and imperishable...  Or, we might say, "Omnipresent,
>> Omniscient and Omnipotent".  It's zero-points are the roots of all
>> individual consciousness -- both latent (unconscious) or phenomenal.
> "formless" but "infinitely material" does not make any sense Leon.  I
> think your are pulling at straws  i.e. no valid explanation here.

If all the potential force  that underlies the entire material  
universe is contained in the infinite spin momentum (G-force) of  
absolute space -- that ultimate "singularity" has no measurable form  
in itself.

Therefore, it is (potentially) "infinitely substantial" yet  
(absolutely) "formless."

Thus, we can say that the primal void. out of which everything in the  
cosmos manifests, is both empty (of form) and full (of infinite  
potential energy or G-force).  This G-force is the root of all  
matter, and its empty zero-point stationary center is the root of  
Subjectivity and objectivity are simply two sides of the same coin,  
metaphorically speaking.

Phenomenal Consciousness cannot exist unless there is phenomenal  
matter to be aware of.  If the spin momentum is the noumenal root of  
phenomenal matter, then the zero-point of absolute space at its  
center must be the potential root of phenomenal consciousness.  It's  
only sleeping before the "big bang" occurs on the 4th lowest  
frequency-energy physical phase order (or "plane") after the initial  
awakening on the higher planes of fractal involved hyperspace.

Therefore, it's the impulse of universal conscious will, after such  
awakening, that  initiates the "big bang" ...  One thing exploding  
into everything -- based on the memory of its previous births and  
myriad separated existences, and empowered by the desire to continue  
experiencing life.  Thus, it is said, "The microcosm (Mankind) is the  
mirror of the macrocosm (universal mind)."
>> The conditioned aspect [ "Aether" ] of Absolute Space that
>> represents the "singularity" or near infinite but still finite spin
>> momentum underlying the entire potential mass-energy (G-force) of
>> our physical space -- located at every zero-point in the Planck
>> vacuum throughout the metaphysical and physical space-time continuum.
>> This Aether or total cosmic space -- as the source of every field
>> and form in the cosmos, both metaphysical and physical, subtle or
>> gross, visible or invisible -- could be called our "mother space."
> ditto the ones above, entire, total, infinite etc....

Where's your imagination?  Or, can't you see into the essence of all  
things, together as an overall hyperspherical (toroidal) geometric  
and energetic whole, using your right brain-mind?

Obviously, there cannot be anything substantial that comes from  
nothing...  And, what must be the fundamental nature of the empty  
space from which everything arises -- being both empty and full as  
well as the *container* of everything?

It could only be the infinite angular momentum or "spin" of the  
"empty" void or absolute space.

Therefore, isn't anything simply a part of that "total infinite"  
space which contains everything?   But, then you will have to see the  
difference between infinite and unconditioned "absolute" space,  
conditioned hyperspace, and total finite metric physical or "aether"  

That takes imagination -- with the words being only metaphors whose  
meanings are determined by the logically consistent images they  
invoke in the mind field.  See the Cosmogenesis 3-D illustration of  
how multidimensional hyperspace might look if our senses were fine  
enough to see the fields within fields within fields in the Planck  
space underlying all the fundamental particles or surrounding all  
physical forms... And even this is only a metaphorical analogy of an  
infinite holographic reality -- that no finite mind could wrap around  
-- although it could be observed intuitively when in the deepest  
meditation (samadhi).  Some call this "revelation" -- but it is  
simply an altered state of consciousness available to anyone -- with  
or without the help of psychedelic or psychotropic drugs.
>> Another name for the the possible infinite universes that could
>> involve and evolve from the infinite G-force angular momentum (or
>> abstract motion) of Absolute Space -- since this father space spins
>> on infinite axes, of which only three are needed for each spherical
>> manifest universe --such as our spacetime continuum.  Sometimes
>> the term is used (without the "ultimate") to describe all the
>> metaphysical and physical spaces in the universe... But, I prefer
>> "total space" or "Aether". (Although the latter could be misleading
>> -- since it refers to the failed MM experiment).
> ditto the ones previous, ergo nothing new or differrent here either
> i.e. more "total" etc...

What can be new or different?  All my explanations are about one  
thing.  And that is picturing, in limited words and illustrations,  
total hyperspherical (toroidal) space -- which includes all zero- 
point spin momentum-generated hyper-spaces located everywhere in  
total physical space. If you want to understand this total physical  
space or aether, read Einstein's 1920 Leyden lecture.
> Lame explanations from this viewpoint Leon.

Because you can't envision it from your limited perspective, you can  
call it "lame".

But it's as solid as the zero-point "singularity" it stands on. The  
viewpoints I am trying to help you see this reality simultaneously  
from, is both constructively deductive, looking outward from any zero- 
point center, and reductively inductive, looking inward from its  
outermost circumference.  If you are capable of switching attention  
between those views, and superimposing them, you can easily follow  
the causative initiation and growth of manifest space starting from  
zero, and see the entire picture of the underlying fundamental reality.

Reality is what it is, and can only be seen in one's imagination.  If  
you can't see it, then, apparently, your imagination is blocked...  
Probably because your mind is too fixed on your straight line  
structural geometry to see in and beyond the words, and read between  
the lines -- that are attempting to describe (in word and symbolic  
cross sectional images) the multi-dimensional Mobius-Kaluza-Klein  
curved hyperspace manifold geometry -- that has to underly and make  
possible all your 3-dimensional straight line solid geometry... Which  
are still, only metaphors.

Such straight line geometry, therefore, could never be fundamental in  
itself.  There are no straight lines in nature.  Even the single  
photon ray of light coming from a (spherical) distant star, must be  
curved as it travels through spherical gravitational space. And even  
more-so as it passes by concentrated spherical mass-energy  
concentrations (stars, galaxies, black holes, etc.) along the way.   
Can't you envision that, and comprehend that all things begin and end  
as spheres or globes, and that all their genetic propagation must be  
mediated by the harmonic fractal involution of the highest order  
radiant field surrounding any zero-point center of origin?  Also,  
isn't it obvious that the spiral vortex 3 cycle path of the first  
radiant field circumference is the path of least resistance?  In  
fact, it's the only way that the initial spin of absolute space could  
maintain its eternal cycles of infinite angular momentum. See: http://

If you read the Bible, you will now understand its metaphor, "God  
created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him"

Obviously, in actual reality, all straight lines must begin and end  
with a circular point source.  And all solid figures must, when spun  
around their centers of gravity on all 3 cubic axes, inscribe a  
perfect sphere.   Therefore, the spherical point source is  
fundamental, and all circles of centrifugal force must follow a three  
cycle spiral vortex figure eight path -- as shown in my circular  
fractal involved field diagrams. Incidentally, this is the geometric  
basis of the Kaluza-Klien fractal space manifold used as the basis of  
string theories.

>>> potential spaces
>> Besides other potential universes... "Potential spaces" are the
>> possible spherical hyper-spaces of the overall cosmic space
>> (including physical metric space) that are contained in the spin
>> momentum singularity located everywhere.
> "spin" space.  Ok, "spin" power/dimension/space/charge is the best we
> can hope for here in explanation specific kind of physical space.
> I dunno if I can handle the rest of this Leon.

You can only try by studying it (i.e., meditating on the images)  
until you get it.  No one said that a comprehension of actual reality  
is easy to come by.  But, it doesn't take great intelligence to  
comprehend a mental image of it -- (which could take more than  
umpteen millions of words to explain fully)... But, one can get it in  
an instant... Just like Einstein intuitively grasped relativity and  
the unity of energy and matter when he was 17 years old... And had to  
wait until he graduated as an academic physicist before he could  
prove it mathematically (although he still had to ask his professor  
to write the equations;-)... And, then had to wait another 25 years  
or so before science could verify it observationally. In fact, once  
you get it and and can say "Ah ha -- I knew it all along' -- your  
intelligence will immediately increase a thousand fold. ;-)  And  
complex mathematics will no longer be necessary to comprehend  
reality, and only useful for engineers designing technologies..
> I'm not sure what the correct lableiing is for what it is I perceive
> your less than clear differrention of space is.

There is no labeling necessary. It's all in the image pictured in the  
mind.  Imagine the spherical field of radiating photons surrounding a  
point source carbon arc light and note that it is analogous with the  
spherical gravitational space radiating from any zero-point  
"singularity" -- even at the center of a galaxy, black hole, star, or  
a single fundamental particle.... And then, compare its cross-section  
to the radiating harmonic hyperspherical (toroidal) fields  
surrounding the human heart (see your previously referenced diagram).

All that can be boiled down to only a few words when Einstein said,  
"imagination is more important than knowledge" and "Energy is space  
in motion."  Since there are only three kinds of space, absolute,  
metric, and non metric (absolute, physical and metaphysical) --  
energy can either be in the form of radiant hyperspace fields,  
physical EM fields, or apparently solid material forms composed of  
standing waves radiating from zero-point spin momentum.

See if that (along with all my previous attempts to explain) helps  
you in differentiating the difference between "absolute space,"  
"aether space," "metaphysical hyperspace," "physical space" and  
"total  space".   they are just words, labels, and have no real  
meaning except as you interpret them in the total image of  
fundamental reality.

My ABC chakra-field diagrams are a symbolic representations of that  
fundamental fractal harmonic radiation to correspond with the nerve  
plexus in the human body.  In overall hyperspatial reality, all  
harmonic toroidal or hyperspherical fields have their individual sub  
harmonics, ad infinitum, between zero and infinity.  Try to visualize  
that, and when you have, you can say "Eureka, I finally got it."
> Sorry

> Rybo

No need to be sorry.  You might get it someday. ;-)
(If you don't, I'll be sorry I couldn't explain it better)

Best wishes,
Leon Maurer
>> This is the basis of the holographic nature of the universe and
>> everything in it -- since all such analogous zero-point generated
>> spaces, or radiant energy fields, contain the total structural
>> information of the entire formative nature of the universe -- like
>> each DNA molecule in every cell contains the entire structural
>> information of the body it's connected with, along with the forms
>> of all other living/sentient beings.  Vide; The growing fetus that
>> passes through the whole evolutionary progression starting from a
>> single live cell, and extending through all the kingdoms and
>> species of nature.
>>>   (metric space-time) gravitational field circumference.
>> Every radiant energy field expands from its point source in a
>> series of circumferential waves.  The outer edge of the metric
>> aspect of the cosmos is the furthest such gravitational wave front
>> of our physical universe containing visible quasars or baby
>> universes.  This is the metric space-time gravitational field
>> circumference, located nowhere, at near infinite radius, that we
>> can see (given enough magnifying power) from any center of the
>> universe, located everywhere.
>> The actual invisible gravitational field, however, could extend to
>> infinite radius -- which would then make it's overall space
>> entirely flat.  Although, it curves more and more as it approaches
>> closer and closer in toward increasing mass-energy densities of
>> spherical forms -- that exist as holographic wave interference
>> patterned energy field-forms on its wave front surface at any
>> radius from its center.  (This is a more accurate representation of
>> the way gravitational space bends than the rubber blanket and ball
>> metaphor used by grammar school physics teachers.;-)
>>> hyperspace
>> Try to imagine (with a mind empty of all other thoughts or
>> distractions) infinite points within infinite spherical fields of
>> infinite radius -- whose fractal involved radiant fields between
>> zero and infinity all occupy the same space.  If you can twist your
>> finite mind field that far out of sync with our physical sensory
>> limited world-- you might comprehend this picture I'm try to
>> impssibly paint with words plus 2-d and faux 3-d illustrations
>> alone. ;-)
>>> Your inability to respond to those specifically much less clearly
>>> layout their heirarchy or interrelationships makes me dubious of  
>>> your
>>> claims.
>> I hope that the responses above might help modify some of your
>> dubiousness a bit. ;-)
>> Leon
>>> Rybo
>>> On Oct 22, 2008, at 1:41 AM, Leon Maurer wrote:
>>>> Rybo,
>>>> Note that the diagram of the harmonic fields that radiate from the
>>>> heart center are fractal involved toroids that can form and fill
>>>> overall spherical spaces (as they spin on all three axes). These
>>>> electromagnetic fields are harmonic analogs of all fundamental
>>>> metric space and hyperspace fields surrounding every zero point
>>>> singularity's that are the source of the quantum particle wave
>>>> forms located everywhere in the universe. And, they can extend in
>>>> hyperspace as far as the furthest reaches of total space in
>>>> diminishing orders of energy and tenuousness -- approaching zero.
>>>> All such resonant fields, at various ascending orders of frequency,
>>>> can carry information as modulated wave interference patterns on
>>>> their surfaces, and are the media of the mental and memory images
>>>> of consciousness -- which is a fundamental subjective quality of
>>>> all such field's zero-point centers of origin.
>>>> These field's numeric parameters also correspond to the symbolic
>>>> diagram of fractal involved fields of cosmogenesis I use for my ABC
>>>> model.  They also correspond to the Kaluza-Klien space-manifold
>>>> system used as the basis of string and M theories.  It's on the
>>>> metric physical level of cosmogenesis that the fields surrounding
>>>> each cell and organ of the body, such as the heart fields, appear
>>>> as metric EM radiation.
>>>> The EM field harmonics also are analogous to the higher order chi
>>>> energy fields in hyperspace that surround the entire body -- which
>>>> links our individual self centered consciousness to the mind and
>>>> long term memory fields -- that resonantly (through their major
>>>> chakra centers) directly influence the overall neurological EM
>>>> fields of the brain, heart, organs, etc.
>>>> This resonant linkage of all information carried by harmonic
>>>> coenergetic fields at all levels of physical form, is the basis of
>>>> the overall holographic nature of the entire universe.  This model
>>>> is also reflected in the holographic nature of the DNA molecule --
>>>> that replicates in every cell of each self regenerative sentient
>>>> being.
>>>> Incidentally, I corrected the web site you posted below containing
>>>> the illustration of the fractal involved toroidal EM fields
>>>> radiating from the heart chakra.
>>>> The correct site is:
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Leon Maurer
>>>> (Note: the illustrations in this article are being closed out by
>>>> the FTP host "" on Oct 31.  If interested, they should
>>>> be downloaded before then.)
>>>> On Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:53 am ((PDT) wrote:
>>>>> 1c.
>>>>> Figure 12. Maybe at bottom of this page Rybo
>>>>> ..."The heart?s electromagnetic field--by far the most powerful
>>>>> rhythmic field produced by the human body--not only envelops every
>>>>> cell of the body but also extends out in all directions into the
>>>>> space around us. The cardiac field can be measured several feet
>>>>> away
>>>>> from the body by sensitive devices. Research conducted at IHM
>>>>> suggests that the heart?s field is an important carrier of
>>>>> information."
>>>> =
>> =

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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