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Re: Theos-World by-law changes!!!!

Oct 22, 2008 09:39 AM
by Morten Nymann Olesen

Dear Duane

My views are:
I also say: Thanks for taking the time to respond to the on-going discussions.

Duane wrote:
"In addition to teaching the works of HPB, which I personally sponsored and supervised there were many who studied the additional works of Alice Bailey, Rudolph Steiner and many others. I find it of some interest that if the works of Alice Bailey are even mentioned on this forum that many who subscribe to it immediately go into a frenzy of criticism and hostility as if the devil itself were mentioned. How ironical I find this for in a somewhat oblique and indirect way the same mindset is now being applied to many of those who post here and may feel that they are being treated unfairly. And what is my point? Simply that one group of so called theosophist trying to control and dictate to another group what they may study or explore or believe may not be Theosophy. "

- - - - - - -
Now please take your time to read the below words by Blavatsky carefully...
Because there are of course limits to what kind of theosophy H. P. Blavatsky and her Masters accepted...

H. P. Blavatsky wrote:


A Few Words as Preface.

Before entering upon the first installment of the Instructions to be given to the Esoteric Section, it is necessary to call the special attention of its members to a new and rapidly growing danger which is threatening the Theosophical Society and the spread of the pure Esoteric Philosophy and knowledge in the U.S.A.

I allude to those charlatanesque imitations of Occultism and Theosophy of which the "Call to the Awakened," lately published in the Boston Esoteric, is the most glaring example.

The danger in this particular case is the greater because some men of real scientific attainments and knowledge seem to have been drawn into it, and thus give to it an appearance of real knowledge which may easily deceive the unwary.

By pandering to the prejudices of people, and especially by adopting the false ideas of a personal God and a personal, carnalized Saviour, as the groundwork of their teaching, the leaders of this "swindle" (for such it is) are endeavoring to draw men to them and in particular to turn Theosophists from the true path. The H. B. of L., of shameful memory in England, has now found a worthy substitute in the Esoteric College in Boston founded by a "Brahmin of Irish descent, thousands of years old," (Vide "A Call from the Unseen," etc.)

Stealing from us our esoteric Sanskrit terms, our facts --- which he disfigures --- and even our motto, "There is No Religion Higher than Truth," this self-styled illuminator is sure to prepare thousands of enemies to Theosophy, when those "awakened" by him will awaken to the sad truth of having been swindled by this "Brahmin" & Co. Let all Theosophists be warned in time by the Esotericists.

True knowledge comes slowly and is not easily acquired. In this attempt the students will be at first confronted by the great difficulties of the disciple's first steps upon the path of true Occultism. Even members of the E. S., especially those who crave for magic powers, are not unlikely to grow impatient and to rebel against the apparently slow progress made at first and at the amount of metaphysical and theoretic study required of them. To such the deceptive promises of quick results and grand achievements, of growth and progress, that are promised by the "Esoteric College" from day to day (??) will appear most attractive. But let all such take warning in time and avoid a snare in which they will at least leave the contents of their purses, even if they save their reputations.

A close examination will assuredly reveal the whole scheme as a mere device for money getting and selfish gratification, in which materials largely stolen, as said, from Theosophical writings are distorted and falsified so as to be palmed off on the unwary as revelations of new and undreamed of truths. But many will neither have the time nor the opportunity for such a thorough investigation; and before they become aware of the imposture they may be led far from the Truth, as well as be despoiled of their property and, worse than that, of their health.

Under these circumstances, it is the duty of all members of the E. S. in America to do their utmost to unmask such movements, for nothing is more dangerous to Esoteric Truth than the garbled and distorted versions disfigured to suit the prejudices and tastes of men in general.

Finally, the attention of all members of the E. S. is expressly called to Rule 18 of the Preliminary Memorandum, no infraction of which can or will be allowed. "

H. P. Blavatsky wrote:
"He who objects to having his views controverted and
criticized must not write for Lucifer. " ..."Moreover, we have
given good proofs of our impartiality. We published articles
and letters criticizing not alone our personal theosophical
and philosophical views, but discussing on subjects
directly concerned with our personal honour and reputation;
reviving the infamous calumnies in which not simple doubts,
but distinctly formulated charges of dishonesty were cast
into our teeth and our private character was torn to shreds
(Vide "A Glance at Theosophy from the Outside", Lucifer
for October, 1888). And if the editor will never shrink from
what she considers her duty to her readers, and that she is
prepared to throw every possible light upon mooted
questions in order that truth should shine bright and
hideous lies and superstitions be shown under their true
colours - why should our contributors prove themselves
so thin-skinned?"
( IS DENUNCIATION A DUTY? by H. P. Blavatsky - Lucifer Magazine 1888)

- - - - - -
H. S. Olcott stated several times that TS does not meddle with politics.
It is quite clear to me that various Alice A. Bailey groups are heavily involved with political activities.

- - - - - - - So I think will have to disagree a bit with your ideas.Maybe honest theosophy requires that all theosophical Seekers exchange thoughts and views so that we might learn. Those who do not need to learn, and who knows it all, they most often just join one of those New Age cults instead, (some of them call themselves Theosophical and all), where emotional acitivities are more important. Those personalities cannot stand Theos-talk.

The thin-skinned theosophists can join the recently created Yahoo-based: or for the more challenging less-thinskinned .

A thinskinned theosophist need to learn to be thick-skinned, if he or she want to walk the path. The same are required of any Adept or Chela.

If you can find an Alice A. Bailey group, which are allowing free exchange of views like theos-talk, please let me know.

M. Sufilight

----- Original Message ----- From: "Duane Carpenter" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 12:21 PM
Subject: Theos-World by-law changes!!!!

Dear Theos -talk
I have been intermittently following some of the dialog presented on this forum on the Theosophical society's election rules and regulations. I am moved by the seemingly impossible situation that the regular members may have found themselves in as we see changes and attempted changes of the bylaws at the highest levels of the society Some years ago when when I was the Theosophical President of the Boston Lodge one of my first duties when elected was to fend off Nationals (Wheaten) aggressive move to seize the assets of the local lodge. It seemed that national felt any of the asset of its charted lodges were a part of their portfolio. National's legal action failed after a long and protracted law suit and the Theosophical Lodge in Boston was finally restored to its original integrity. Interesting the original board of directors and trustees before I took office were in a process of changing the bylaws and rules so that more power would be focused into the hands of fewer and few people. One of the many arguments that those who proposed changing the bylaws to exclude the rank and file membership from direct interaction and control of many aspects of the Lodge was that the regular members were not not as committed nor as knowledgeable as they. Therefore why should they share in the immense responsibility of electing the governing body at its highest levels? It only seemed logical to them that those at the head of the organization should make policy to keep the Lodge alive, active and vibrant. It would be good for those who are interested in this ongoing controversy to understand this position however untrue or biased it may seem. For it may have much to do with the present situation from the elected official's point of view. I understand that this rational or insight that I am now sharing may be nothing new in the ongoing controversy but should be clearly understood by all those who seek to understand the motivation at the highest levels of the Theosophical Society and any possible long term solution. When you factor in the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical society this even exaggerates their position more fully. Many who post here on Theos- talk may see these changes that are attempting to take place at the highest levels of the society as an injection of a religious sect (Esoteric Section), trying to unduly influence the society. The members of the Esoteric Section do not see themselves as a "religious sect" but see their work as "true theosophy "in its deeper aspects and what many other rank and file members do as peripheral and not of any depth. I understand that we can argue what is theosophy? And who are the real theosophist till eternity freezes over and may never come up with a tangible and satisfactory answer but this is the mind set you will have to deal with.

There are a number of important consideration here to consider one of which is if you become a chartered lodge through the Theosophical Society from Wheaten can they have any claim on this chartered lodges assets? Do you have or have you ever had a Quest bookstore in your lodge. Was it ever funded by grants or gifts by National? If so the liability to the local lodge's assets may be greater. The Boston Lodge was able to maintain its integrity from national and keep its own assets because it dug in and fought for its life. It was able to do this because of the contributions of some legal minds and attorneys trained in the art. The suggestion by one of Theo-talk participants that we need a couple of good lawyers at this point is an important consideration. Instead of sitting around wringing our hands over the injustice of the situation members need to get more involved. Somewhere out there in Theo- land that are a couple of good attorneys who when there conscious finally catches up to their legal training will research these grievances by-law by bylaw line by line and see what real course of action can be taken. Many readers may feel this suggestion on my part is very un- theosophical. To the contrary the actions exhibited by some of the leaders of this organization are not only not theosophical but outright illegal. I hope the reader will not be fooled or lulled into a false sense of complacency. Any rule or bylaw can be changed by a good attorney skilled in the art in a number of different ways, particularly if people sit around and debate endlessly and do nothing.
One last footnote to this letter.

Another rational for this attempted corporate takeover of the Boston lodge by national was national's charge that "true theosophy" was not being taught at this lodge. In addition to teaching the works of HPB, which I personally sponsored and supervised there were many who studied the additional works of Alice Bailey, Rudolph Steiner and many others. I find it of some interest that if the works of Alice Bailey are even mentioned on this forum that many who subscribe to it immediately go into a frenzy of criticism and hostility as if the devil itself were mentioned. How ironical I find this for in a somewhat oblique and indirect way the same mindset is now being applied to many of those who post here and may feel that they are being treated unfairly. And what is my point? Simply that one group of so called theosophist trying to control and dictate to another group what they may study or explore or believe may not be Theosophy. When all is said and done Theosophy may be superficial by one person's standards or it may be deep by another. To me who has had the privilege of serving Theosophy for my entire adult life I simply ask the question at the end of the day does it help the student understands themselves or the universe in which they live. Does it open their Heart to tolerance and goodwill? Memorizing endless tidbits of occult jargon and technical minutiae may not in the final analysis be as important as simply rolling up your sleeve's and getting involved in many simple or practical ways. Another irony that may never be explained in this lifetime is that it was many of the Alice Bailey students, who I might add, also studied HPB extensively, who led the charge and gave there last nickel to fend off National illegal takeover of the Theosophical lodge in Boston. I am curious how many so called committed Theosophists now reading this email would do the same in return? Each generation of Theosophist defines themselves by what they can contribute not only to their own growth but to the growth of a wider and more universal understanding of Theosophy and its principals.

In closing this letter I am reminded of a quotation that summarizes my thoughts of this subject under discussion. "All that is required for evil to flourish is for one good man to do nothing"
Blessings to you, may the Masters guide you in your work and Life
Duane Carpenter

From: Anton Rozman <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 2:45:11 AM
Subject: Theos-World Journeys with the Crystal Skull

Hi John and all,

I am quite sure that this will be an interesting story for you.

Journeys with the Crystal Skull com/watch? v=udjyznJckbk

Bill Homann and the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull
http://www.projectc crystal_skull. html

Warmest regards,

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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