An Appeal
Oct 21, 2008 11:58 PM
by Erica Letzerich
Dear friends,
I took the liberty to reproduce here an appeal of the General Secretary of the Indian Section, published on The Indian Theosophist,
May 2008, Vol. 106 n. 5. Since I heard Mr S. Sundaram to speak about
it, during his lecture in Adyar on December of 2007, I was deeply
concerned. But after I left India, having not read in any
magazine request for help, and been involved in so many activities at
the T.S. in Greece the matter was not forgotten , but just on hold.
Now reading the Indian Theosophist I found this appeal, which I am reproducing here, under my entire
responsibility once I do not have a written permission of the General
Secretary of the Indian Section. We theosophists are members of a great
family which is our Theosophical Society. We must do our best to help
each other.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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