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Re: Theos-World Re: Questioning authenticity

Oct 17, 2008 08:16 AM
by Drpsionic

Everyone gets frustrated with HPB.  Just ask Col. Olcott!  The  first time I 
dove into the Secret Doctrine I damned near drowned.
And getting CPR from the Master DK was embarrassing to say the least.
Chuck the Heretic
In a message dated 10/17/2008 9:19:02 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

With all due respect, Anand, your "survey" of people you have known 
who  were frustrated with the writing of HPB may not be a particularly  
meaningful statistic. Your authority for doing an assessment of HPB's  
writing may not hold up for anyone who finds HPB's writing to be  
challenging, fulfilling, informative, and dependably enriching. It 
may  be fair to say that the opinion of A.P. Sinnett is no more 
meaningful than  the opinion of, say, myself. The ancient wisdom has 
been offered from  inner planes to us to further our evolution. If we 
choose to accept what  we can and work on understanding the rest, we 
may find benefit. We are  learning to think for ourselves, not to be 
blindly led by anyone who has a  bias or an agenda to promote. 
Personally, I would rather share what I find  valuable and encourage 
others to try it and see if they find it valuable  also. There is no 
way to prove the authenticity of this material, except  to try it out 
in our daily lives and see if it helps or not. There have  been no 
shortage of people who have chosen to denigrate and ridicule the  
messenger of the inner wisdom, no matter who that messenger has been  
down through the ages. But the message continues to comfort and  
support sincere seekers, and it most likely will continue to do so  
into infinity, no matter how hard the forces of separation and  
disunity seek to destroy. Unity is the message, and it will prevail.  


On 17 Oct 2008 at 5:23, Anand wrote:

> --- In _theos-talk@yahoogrotheos-t_ ( ,  
"adelasie" <adelasie@..a> wrote:
> >
> > Probably  there is no final word on this issue: how authentic is the
> > work  of HPB. Perhaps the final answer to the question lies in the
> >  heart of evey reader. Does this work speak to you or does it not? If
>  > so, it is pure gold. If not, search elsewhere. But it seems  somehow
> > unnecessary to accuse HPB of misdeeds when the very  process by which
> > she attained her information is a mystery that  few have plumbed, the
> > more obviously because of the  misinterpretations that abound. If the
> > work does not inspire the  student, is it not possible that it might
> > have a very different  effect on another student? Therefore why 
> impute
> >  negativity?
> I have come across more people who are  frustrated, disappointed by
> Blavatsky's writing than people who are  inspired by her writing. That
> made me do assessment of Blavatsky's  writing. For your information, A.
> P. Sinnett was also of the opinion  that Blavatsky's own thoughts
> contaminated so called Mahatma  Letters.
> Best
> Anand Gholap


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