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Theos-World Re: Who can Reside in Adyar or Krotona or Work at Wheaton?

Oct 06, 2008 10:44 AM
by Anton Rozman

Well, this is probably one another chest full of skeletons and one 
another reason that some serious analysis and better solutions on 
organizational level are discussed.

Warmest regards,

--- In, Erica Letzerich <eletzerich@...> 
> Dear Anton,
> I've learned from some sources, that discussion about to let the 
council to decided who will or not will live in Adyar were taking 
place. I think that if such a change would be applied to Adyar would 
need to be applied to every theosophical centre around the world. No 
exclusions. As in practical terms this is something very dificult, 
for the members of the council cannot be dealing with matters like 
this (in my opinion) things must remain as they are. Of course an 
opportunity for appeal should be given for the worker. Only in such 
cases I think the council would need to get involved and study the 
matter. This is a very delicate matter in fact.  I know persons who 
have suffered immensily when asked to leave a theosophical centre or 
were fired and so on. I do feel for all of them. But there are 
complex situations involved that we are not aware. 
> Erica
> --- On Mon, 10/6/08, Anton Rozman <anton_rozman@...> wrote:
> From: Anton Rozman <anton_rozman@...>
> Subject: Theos-World Re: Who can Reside in Adyar or Krotona or Work 
at Wheaton?
> To:
> Date: Monday, October 6, 2008, 1:07 PM
>             Dear Erica,
> As far I remember the topic you mention was actually N. Sri Ram's 
> article Who shall reside at Adyar. As I didn't remember the 
> year and issue I made some research and find out that it was 
> published in The American Theosophist, 1954, 42/2, February, page 
> Best regards,
> Anton
> --- In theos-talk@yahoogro, Erica Letzerich 
<eletzerich@ ...> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Friends,
> > ,
> > Posted on the blog " Theosophy Forward - Theosophy
> > Moving into the 21st Century" (now a ghost blog as it was abruptly
> > removed from the net) there was an topic which was WHO CAN RESIDE 
> > ADYAR. Unfortunatly I do not have a copy of it.
> > In the link below there is the depoiment a theosophist sent to 
> Read it and take your own conclusion.
> > 
> > http://eletzerich. wordpress. com/members- letters/who- can-
reside- in-
> adyar-or-krotona- or-work-at- wheaton/
> > 
> > Erica
> > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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