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Re: Theos-World Victorian?

Oct 05, 2008 01:31 AM
by Erica Letzerich


Exactly because the T.S. is a democratical organization that they were able to do it. In fact democracy is an enemy of itself! Some mentioned here the structure of the T.S. is victorian. Is it victorian members to chose their General Secretaries and their International President? Is it victorian the International Council be basic composed by General Secretaries who were elected by members? The International President be elected by the members? I can't see anything victorian on it. In fact I see a very fair structure.


--- On Sat, 10/4/08, Anand <> wrote:
From: Anand <>
Subject: Re: Theos-World Anand Gholap formula for General Council composition
Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008, 8:05 PM

            Theosophical Society gives much freedom to National Sections. If John

Algeo, Kim Dieu wanted to do something good, they could have done in

their sections. Nobody was stopping them.

But facts show that their record of work in their own sections is not

impressive, membership there is declined. TS there is on oxygen. Now

after failing in their own sections, they want to control the TS and

fail international TS also. 

Protests, rallies, strikes, fasts, these are some more ways to show

members' disagreement with unethical disenfranchisement proposal

brought by those four individuals.


Anand Gholap 

--- In theos-talk@yahoogro, MKR <mkr777@...> wrote:


> As they say, the cat is out of the bag. The whole move, it appears

to me,

> has been in the works behind the scenes for quite some time. It does

> not take much intelligence to see thru what is going on.


> TS was organized in the most autonomous manner and I recall there was a

> statement somewhere that the role of the international is to step in and

> resolve any disputes between sections.


> I would like to know who came up with the idea to "run" it like a

> corporation or a business to direct and control what goes on at various

> levels comes from. The real strength of TS comes from the fact that

no one

> tells anyone what they should or could do so long as the activities

are to

> further the interests of three objects without violating the


> rules.


> It is time to proponents to step up to the plate publicly and

convince us

> that disenfranchisement and radical changes are for the good of



> mkr



> On 10/3/08, Anand <AnandGholap@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >   Efforts are being made by few individuals in present General Council

> > to hijack the TS. They also want to remove members' right to vote in

> > the election of President. I am totally against such a change. I want

> > members to elect the President directly as they did earlier.

> > Right now the present constitution is such that it might enable some

> > officers in the GC to unethically remove voting rights of people. I

> > want to ensure that such attempts don't succeed now and in future.

> > Amendments in the General Council were suggested by me for two


> > 1) To make constitution just. Each country should have representatives

> > only in proportion to the membership that country has. In GC if one

> > vote is given to a country with 13000 members and one vote is given to

> > country with 90 members, then that is unjust. If we are to preach

> > justice in the world, our own TS constitution must be just. That is

> > why voting rights to each country according to proportion of members

> > in that country are necessary.

> > 2) Another reason why I suggested proportional representation is this

> > new system will stop any future attempts by few individuals to remove

> > voting rights of people and hijack the TS. You can see that there are

> > few General Secretaries elected by just a few hundred members. And

> > these few General Secretaries venture to hijack TS because they are

> > given too much rights as compared to membership they represent. So by

> > proportional representation and by increasing the size of the General

> > Council we want to ensure that such attempts by few officers to hijack

> > TS won't succeed in future.

> > Best

> > Anand Gholap

> >

> > 

> >



> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]






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