Re: Theos-World Memorandum dictated to HPB by KH about Olcott & the TS
Oct 04, 2008 10:48 PM
by Morten Nymann Olesen
Thanks Daniel
My views are:
I find this letter to be very important.
Is it possible, that we can have it on the Internet - with the fascimile online?
- - -
A comment and a few questions:
If the TS was (and is) a Soulless CORPSE, one wonders what the Masters did so to promote the cornerstone of humanity - The Wisdom Teachings of all Ages, when Olcott was out of the picture?
One wonders, whether they started a new organisation, with a new name or with a name almost similar to the T.S., or if they waited about a 100 years to start a new cycle of teachings?
(Mahatma Letter no. 47, A. T. Barker - mentions that other work is ongoing in other parts of the world.)
I do not think that they started a new organisation to replace TS.
I think, that they are planning to reform it - physically and non-physically, when time is ripe. That seems to be the most logical conclusion.
I wonder what the various leaders of TS, ULT, Pasadena TS, AAB, etc etc would do if the Master started to manifest themselves again on a larger scale. With HPB, M, and KH materialising themselves several times at various places - and hundres of letters dropping from the ceiling again?
- - -
A minor request: Sometimes I would like if you Daniel would do that extra effort of always put books online in the PDF format or similar, AND remember the covers of the 1st edition books.
The last note I find to be important. Covers always have a tale behind them.
Recommended reading:
"The Key to Theosophy" -
(A new more up-to-date version with commentaries to it is being planned.)
M. Sufilight
----- Original Message -----
From: danielhcaldwell
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 1:10 AM
Subject: Theos-World Memorandum dictated to HPB by KH about Olcott & the TS
The following extracts come from Letter 60 in Volume
In an introductory editorial Note, C. Jinarajdasa comments:
This also, as Letter 40, is not in the handwriting of any of the
Masters. It is in the handwriting of H.P.B., written on thin
notepaper in pencil. It is evident that it is a memorandum of the
remarks of the Master K.H. regarding the situation of the T.S. in
1888 [possibly received July of that year when Master KH was bodily
in London]....The remarks of Master K.H. may have been one reason why
H.P.B. insisted on forming the E.S.T.[Esoteric School of Theosophy],
or in case Colonel Olcott refused, on making a separate division for
Europe of the parent Theosophical Society under her direction.
Happily Letter 19 [from Master KH] which he received on board s.s.
Shannon [in August 1888], broke down his opposition, and the two old
comrades met in friendship, and the E.S.T. was born [in October
Now the excerpt dictated to HPB by Master Koot Hoomi:
Such are the reasons why if he [Henry Olcott] still occasionally
feels M[orya]..., he never senses me nor hears from, or of me though
his thought wandered more than once [over] the scenes and house you
made once familiar to him... .
He wants to know why? [This is in reply to a question HPB had
received from Olcott]. Because the [Theosophical] Society has
liberated itself from our grasp and influence and we have let it go -
we make no unwilling slaves. He [Olcott] says he has saved it? He
saved its body, but he allowed through sheer fear, to its soul to
escape, and it [the Theosophical Society] is now A SOULESS CORPSE, a
machine run so far well enough, but which will fall to pieces when he
is gone. Out of the three objects the second alone is attended to,
but it is no longer either a brotherhood, nor a body over the face of
which broods the Spirit from beyond the Great Range.
His kindness and love of peace are great and truly Gautamic in their
spirit; but he has misapplied that kindness; he allowed it to rest
upon and benefit an unworthy object - a man whose soul is filled with
the scum falling from other people's wicked souls, with the pus
exuding from other people's wounds. The giving honours to a wicked
man is like giving strong drink to him. who has a fever. The bread he
(C. Oakley) [A.J. Cooper-Oakley] ate, the roof that sheltered him,
the little 'Society honours' scattered on him by one whom he sought
to destroy from the very day he entered Adyar, were all taken away
by Henry from another man - whomsoever he may have been - who was
worthy of all this, but for whom there was thus no room left near
Olcott. This is his (Olcott's) sin. No harm should be done even to
the wretch whom gratitude fails to bind but he should not be
permitted to lay claim to truth and honour, and given means to carry
out his foul conspiracy, once that he stood confessed in Henry's eyes-
'the brute disguised in moss'.
In our sight there is no crime worse than ingratitude and injustice;
and to see one who suffers them without protest is equal to seeing in
him a passive confederate to them. This policy has done more harm to
the spirit of the Society and its growth than several Coulombs could
do. For by allowing to remain at the [Adyar] Headquarters one who for
four years never wrote a letter to a theosophist without enclosing in
it a Parthian arrow against the Pres. Founder or his Co-Founder,
Henry sanctioned his slanders.
["]Behold,["] thought the Frenchmen, the Americans and the Germans
who received such letters monthly -
["]behold what one of the heads of the T.S. writes. No doubt H.S.O.
remains only because he was elected for life and H.P.B. was rightly
kicked out of Adyar. Where is she now? Her name is hardly mentioned,
she is forgotten and gone and we are told [by Oakley and his wife]
that the 'Masters' are in direct correspondence and communication
with C.O. - their true delegate being now at Madras - S.R. [1] etc.
There is a strange Karma, added Master [KH] smiling. Henry feared to
break with C.O. lest he should lose S.R. [1] and N.C. [2]; and now he
lost N.C. and S.R. [both of whom had just resigned from the T.S.,
July 1888], and is forced to have C.O., who is the leading evil
genius of the two....
1 T. Subba Row.
2 Dr Neild Cook.
caps added
I have also added more explanatory comments in brackets [ ] .
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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