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Anand, Why Do you Not Deal with the KH Letter on HPB??

Sep 17, 2008 09:03 PM
by danielhcaldwell


You spend a great deal of time going over what C. W. Leadbeater
said was T. Subba Row's view of HPB in 1888.

But Anand, why do you not also comment on what the Master Koot Hoomi
wrote in his letter to Olcott in 1888 about HPB????

I call your attention especially to KH's words when he writes:

"We have not abandoned her [HPB]; she is not 'given over
to chelas.' [as both A.P. Sinnett and T. Subba Row were contending at 
the time!!!] She is our direct agent...."  I have added the comments 
in brackets.

BELOW is part of what the Master tells Olcott:

"...we employ agents -- the best available. Of these for the past
thirty years the chief has been the personality known as H. P. B. to
the world (but otherwise to us). Imperfect and very troublesome, no
doubt, she proves to some, nevertheless, there is no likelihood of
our finding a better one for years to come -- and your theosophists
should be made to understand it....

...Her fidelity to our work being constant, and her sufferings
having come upon her thro' it, neither I nor either of my Brother
associates will desert or supplant her....

...this you must tell to all: -- With occult matters she has
everything to do. We have not abandoned her; she is not 'given over
to chelas.' She is our direct agent....

I have also noted, your thoughts about the 'Secret Doctrine.' Be
assured that what she has not annotated from scientific and other
works, we have given or suggested to her. Every mistake or erroneous
notion, corrected and explained by her from the works of other
theosophists was corrected by me, or under my instruction. . . .

Quoted from: Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, First Series,
Letter 19, 5th edition.


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