Re: Theos-World Mr. C.W. Leadbeater on Heaven (AnandGholap.Net-Online Theosophy)
Sep 17, 2008 02:14 PM
by Anand
--- In, Cass Silva <silva_cass@...> wrote:
> According to those who speak with those in the afterlife, souls
communicate with each other on the astral, and even bring others
through to the medium?Â
> Cass
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: ANAND GHOLAP <AnandGholap@...>
> To: Anand Gholap <anandgholap@...>
> Sent: Wednesday, 17 September, 2008 3:03:05 AM
> Subject: Theos-World Mr. C.W. Leadbeater on Heaven
(AnandGholap.Net-Online Theosophy)
> http://www.anandgho y_Pamphlet- Anand_Gholap. pdf
> " The Devachanic Plane, or the Heaven -World which no words can ever
picture, though every man one day shall see it and know it for
himself. For this heaven is not a dream; it is a radiant reality; but
to comprehend anything of it we must first change one of our initial
ideas on the subject. Heaven is not a place, but a state of
consciousness. If you ask me 'Where is heaven?' I must answer you that
it is here - round you at this very moment, near to you as the air you
breath. The light is all about you, as the Buddha said so long ago;
you have only to cast the bandage from your eyes and look. But what is
this casting away of a bandage? Of what is it symbolical? It is simply
a question of raising the consciousness to a higher level, of learning
to focus it in the vehicle of finer matter. I have already spoken of
the possibility of doing this with regard to the astral body, thereby
seeing the astral world; this needs simply a further stage of the same
> process, the raising of consciousness to the mental plane, for man
has a body for that level also, through which he may receive its
vibrations, and so live in the glowing splendour of heaven while still
possessing a physical body though indeed after such an experience he
will have little relish for the return to the latter. The ordinary man
reaches this state of bliss only after death, and not immediately
after it except in very rare cases. I have explained how after death
the Ego steadily withdraws into himself. The whole astral life is in
fact a constant process of withdrawal, and when in course of time the
soul reaches the limit of that plane, he dies to it in just the same
way as he did to the physical plane. That is to say, he casts off the
body of that plane, and leaves it behind him while he passes on to
higher and still fuller life. No pain or suffering of any kind
precedes this second death, but just as with the first, there is
usually a period
> of unconsciousness, from which the man awakes gradually. Some years
ago I wrote a book called The Devachanic Plane, in which I endeavoured
to some extent to describe what he would see, and to tabulate as far
as I could the various subdivisions of this glorious Land of Light,
giving instances which had been observed in the course of our
investigations in connection with this heaven-life. For the moment I
shall try to put the matter before you from another point of view, and
those who wish may supplement the information by reading that book as
well. Perhaps the most comprehensive opening statement is that this is
the plane of the Divine Mind, that here we are in the very realm of
thought itself, and that everything that man possibly could think is
here in vivid living reality. "
> Complete book can be read at
> http://www.anandgho After_Death- CWL.htm
> In Christ.
> Anand Gholap
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