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Re: Theos-World Re: To Anand: Concerning Blavatsky on "God"

Aug 01, 2008 05:24 AM
by Martin

A ONE-liner is never enough to explain others they are not the same, although ONE.
That's why Maya was invented, else the ONE-ness would be bored and become unmanifest. The way to understand Maya is Knowledge which excludes Power and is free for he who has a mind to think, like an ear to listen or an eye to see.
But above all it is the virtue of living that we understand compassion without losing ONE-self is the way to Unity and eventually Freedom.

--- On Fri, 8/1/08, revigani <> wrote:

From: revigani <>
Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: To Anand: Concerning Blavatsky on "God"
Date: Friday, August 1, 2008, 11:14 AM

We are ONE.  I think it is not necessary to respond.  Just let be and let it go.
There are vast number of things we do not yet know. Let us spend our time in this life to seek for the eternal things.  May we be led to what we seek.
Rev. Igani

--- On Fri, 8/1/08, Anand <AnandGholap@> wrote:

From: Anand <AnandGholap@>
Subject: Theos-World Re: To Anand: Concerning Blavatsky on "God"
To: theos-talk@yahoogro
Date: Friday, August 1, 2008, 5:40 AM

Dear Cass,
--- In theos-talk@yahoogro, Cass Silva <silva_cass@ ...> wrote:
> This thread began with me asking you to explain what Leadbeater and
Besant said about God.  You are like a mississippi senator who goes
round the world but says nothing.

I will write at right time, don't worry.

Anand Gholap

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