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Jun 29, 2008 12:18 PM
by Morten Nymann Olesen
To all readers My views are: The following links might be helpful to some of you... You can e-mail members in your own branches or "groups" about their content. The issue deserves a close examination. Here are some of the PDF-files from the C. W. Leadbeater court cases http://krotonaarchives.com/Charles_W._Leadbeater_Cases.html The following has info about Esoteric Sections involvement before the CWL trial 16th may 1906: "THE SUPPRESSED SPEECHES HERBERT BURROWS AND G. R. S. MEAD ANNUAL CONVENTION BRITISH SECTION OF THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY July 4th and 5th, 1908." "For those two years we have held our tongues publicly, and our tongues would have been silent still, but for the extraordinary and incalculably harmful attempts which have since been and are now being made in India, America, and here, to rehabilitate Mr. Leadbeater under the guise of brotherhood-to associate him with Theosophical work and propaganda-to allow him to pose as a teacher in Theosophical journals-to press for his readmission (without public recantation) into the Society-to hold him up in respect to these very practices as a moral teacher whom we are practically incapable of understanding, and, abo\e all, to set forth to the Society and the world that these doctrines and practices are to be one of the foundations of the Theosophy of the future. The next point I wish to make is that we have absolutely no personal animus whatever against Mr. Leadbeater. No one mourns more than we do the fact that he has placed himself in this position, and that he has, as we honestly believe, proved untrue to real Theosophical teachings. But we also believe that there is something much higher than Mr. Leadbeater, and that is Theosophy itself, and it is because we belie\e that his action, teaching, and practices in this respect are harmful to Theosophy, and that the ad\ocacy by and action of his friends and upholders will, if continued, wreck and ruin-not Theosophy, for that is impossible-but the Theosophical Society throughout the world, and will render the public propaganda of Theosophy impossible, that we move this resolution here to-day. We ask the British Section of the Theosophical Society in Convention assembled to affirm clearly and unequivocally, by its voice and vote, that it will have no lot nor part in this incalculably harmful doctrine, teaching, and practice." . . . "The actual charge against Mr. Leadbeater was that he deliberately taught masturbation or self-abuse to boys in his care, under a pledge of secrecy and unknown to their parents" . . . "He admitted that the charge which was brought against him of teaching self-abuse to boys was true and also admitted something else which both here and in America would bring him within the pale of the criminal law. Mr. Thomas put this question to him: "There was definite action?" Mr. Leadbeater : " You mean touch. That might have taken place." That of course is nothing less than indecent assault." ... "Is it conceivable that these boys were so morally depraved that self-abuse was the only thing which could be taught them as cure by a high and lofty Theosophical teacher? Will any father in this audience dare to stand up and assert that if he discovered that his own boy was sexually depraved he would thereupon recommend to him further sexual abuse as a 14 remedy? The contention is an insult to intelligence -- and morality. Rather would he, by complete changes in mental surroundings, proper physical training, careful diet, change of scene, and above all, wise moral teaching, try to wean his son from everything sexual, by turning all his thoughts in an entirely opposite direction. And here he would be in exact consonance with every high medical authority and every teacher who has had the training of boys. But if we take the other side of the case it becomes infinitely worse. Take it that most of the boys were innocent, and there is no proof whatever that they were not. In his letter of February 27th, 1906, Mr. Leadbeater distinctly advocates the teaching of self-abuse to such boys before "the danger of entanglement with women or bad boys later on." (I use his own exact words.)" "In a letter from Colonel Olcott to Mr. Leadbeater, of January 12th, 1907, the Colonel says : " The Masters have told both Annie and myself that your teaching- young boys to relieve themselves is wrong." (Herbert Burrows, G.R.S. Mead and others) http://krotonaarchives.com/Charles_W._Leadbeater_Cases_files/08.07.04-05.Leadbeater_Case_Speeches.Burrows_Mead.pdf "In his Presidential Address at the Adyar Anniversary Meeting, December 29, 1906 (see General Report, p. 3), referring to the Leadbeater case, and to the specific question as to whether Mr. Leadbeater's teaching was right or wrong, Col. Olcott stated: "So when Mahatma M. came to me last Friday night I asked Him the question, and He replied 'wrong.'" In a letter to Mr. Leadbeater, dated January 12, 1907, Colonel Olcott writes on his death-bed: "Both Mahatma M. and Mahatma K. H. assured me you did well to resign; that it was right to call a Council to advise upon the matter, and that I did right in accepting your resignation; but They said we were wrong in allowing the matter to be made public, for your sake and the good of the Society. They said you should have stated in your resignation that you resigned because you had offended the standard of ideals of the majority of the members of the Society by giving out certain teachings which were considered objectionable. . . . They have told both Annie and myself that your teaching young boys to . . . is wrong." In Colonel Olcott's report of one of the Adyar "interviews," dated January 11, 1907, in reply to a leading question, the answer reported is: "No we cannot tell you this, for that concerns himself alone, but it is different when he teaches things to others that will harm."" http://krotonaarchives.com/Charles_W._Leadbeater_Cases_files/08.11-09.01.Theosophic_Voice_v1.n3.pdf ______________ Here are some of the PDF-files from the Annie Basant court cases between Annie Besant and the alledged Meitreya's father in 1912, with additional content and papers, and PDF-files. http://krotonaarchives.com/Annie_Besant_Cases.html Truth v. The Neo-T.S. "The learned judge found, however, that the principle which Mr. Leadbeater openly avowed from the witness box was frankly immoral in character, and therefore found in the affirmative upon the 8th issue,-did the defendant permit the children to associate with a person of immoral character?" http://krotonaarchives.com/Annie_Besant_Cases_files/n.d.Truth_v_The_Neo-TS.Charles.pdf M. Sufilight [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]