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Re: [Modern Cosmology ] Re: Movement slows time vs expanding space universe

Jun 23, 2008 09:03 PM
by Leon Maurer

On Jun 23, 2008, at 6/23/086:54 PM, macromitch wrote:

> --- In, "R" <dustballdustball@...>  
> wrote:
>> How ironic and pitiful that one day, it'll stop expanding and instead
>> close in on itself,
> We have evidence that it expands forever. Gravity is not slowing the
> expansion down at all. The expansion is instead increasing in rate.
> So this closed finite yet unbounded universe goes on to infinity.

Not exactly.  Long before that (in near infinite but still finite  
time) the universe and all the particles in it would have spread out  
so fast and so far that all the entropy would run down to absolute  
zero, and all matter-energy will return to the *ubiquitous* Ether  
"singularity" (or infinite spin-momentum of Absolute space)... To  
later, after an equal period of rest and assimilation, the cosmos  
will reawaken in another Big Bang -- to go through another cycle of  
emanation, radiation, involution, precipitation, evolution,  
expansion, absorption, etc., ad infinitum.

So, while the cosmos is eternal, the manifest universe we live in is  
periodical... And is governed solely by the fundamental  
electrodynamic laws of cycles inherent in the original spin of the  
ubiquitous ether singularity... Which retains a memory, encoded  
holographically at infinite zero-point singularities, of all the  
experiential and structural information of the previous manifestation  
and evolution.  This corresponds with the current scientific theory  
of a "big bounce" universe within a multiverse -- suggested by  
advanced superstring/M-brane and loop quantum gravity field theories.

Thus, all galaxies, stars, etc., reappear exactly where they were  
previously, and go through their own analogous periodic genetic  
involution, evolution, absorption cycles -- depending on the total  
mass energy of their individual zero-point singularities (called  
"Laya points" esoterically).  Additionally, the solar system, like  
everything else in the universe, from planets down to mankind,  
collectively and individually, also go through analogous births,  
deaths, and rebirths, whose life cycles depend on the total G-force  
(or "spinergy") of their individual laya-points of potential  
consciousness.  This G-force is also the root of gravity surrounding  
every mass energy form, and collectively, the entire universe -- as  
well as the source of the ZPE fields ("quantum foam") in the Planck  
vacuum, that generates and empowers all the fundamental particle-wave  

For an overview of how the conscious, holographic universe (one of an  
infinite multiverse) begins manifestation from absolute zero in each  
cycle of cosmogenesis, etc, see outline and notated illustrations at: (scroll down)

Leon Maurer

> Mitch Raemsch
>> implode a sense, bringing this universe to the
>> singularity from which it all began. Do you see any possibility of
>> that singularity exploding, creating a new universe and new planets
>> habitable for life?
>> --- In, "macromitch" <macromitch@>
>> wrote:
>>> --- In, "macromitch" <macromitch@>
>>> wrote:
>>>> The galaxies are not moving apart. Instead space is expanding.  
>>>> Because
>>>> it is not actual motion through space there is no slow clock.  
>>>> There is
>>>> a kind of fastest universal time we have in common with all other
>>>> galaxies accross the universe or hypersphere.
>>>> When the train comes to the station only the trains clock goes  
>>>> slow.
>>>> Mitch Raemsch
>>> Increasing space is creating the distances that appear as movement.
>>> Space is expanding carrying galaxies out with it. Their motion is  
>>> not
>>> really motion but is increasing distance of space expansion.
>>> Mitch Raemsch

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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