Re: Theos-World Re: TS Elections - Formerly Three Reasons.....
Apr 30, 2008 10:15 PM
by Morten Nymann Olesen
MKR wrote:
"We had Internet now for several years, especially in the West. To what
extent has it been used to help transparency of policy and multi-way
communication? Why has it not happened so far? Is anyone expecting orders
from beyond Himalayas telling them what to do or are they too scared they
will lose the control they have?"
"Internet is here to stay. This may be the last election where members would
continue to be in the dark. "
M. Sufilight says:
I would careful with the view, that the "Internet is here to stay".
The teachings of theosophy as well as Bhagavad Gita requires that
you control your sense and organs - ", yet pondering with his heart upon objects of sense, is called a false pietist of bewildered soul. But he who having subdued all his passions performeth with his active faculties all the duties of life, unconcerned as to their result, is to be esteemed. Do thou perform the proper actions: action is superior to inaction. The journey of thy mortal frame cannot be accomplished by inaction. All actions performed other than as sacrifice unto God make the actor bound by action. Abandon, then, O son of Kunti, all selfish motives, and in action perform thy duty for him alone. "
(Bhagavad Gita, III - by W. Q. Judge)
" Sequestered should he sit,
Steadfastly meditating, solitary,
His thoughts controlled, his passions laid away,
Quit of belongings. In a fair, still spot
Having his fixed abode, -- not too much raised,
Nor yet too low, -- let him abide, his goods
A cloth, a deerskin, and the Kusa-grass.
There, setting hard his mind upon The One,
Restraining heart and senses, silent, calm,
Let him accomplish Yoga, and achieve
Pureness of soul, holding immovable
Body and neck and head, his gaze absorbed
Upon his nose-end, rapt from all around,
Tranquil in spirit, free of fear, intent
Upon his Brahmacharya vow, devout,
Musing on Me, lost in the thought of Me.
That Yogin, so devoted, so controlled,
Comes to the peace beyond, -- My peace, the peace
Of high Nirvana!"
(THE SONG CELESTIAL - Translated by Sir Edwin Arnold)
M. Sufilight
----- Original Message -----
From: MKR
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 7:42 PM
Subject: Theos-World Re: TS Elections - Formerly Three Reasons.....
Well said.
Transparency based on high moral and ethical principles/policies combined
with two/multi-way communication is the key to success of any spiritual
Without them, application of any modern management techniques which work in
a commercial environment will not work in a spiritual organization where one
is totally free to choose. Anyone who is expecting some "reward" now or in
the other world from the organization or its leadership, can easily be
silenced and made to toe the official policy line no matter what. That seems
to be what is happening too long.
Organizers are happy to keep the followers in the dark with the motto "trust
me" and don't ask inconvenient questions.
We had Internet now for several years, especially in the West. To what
extent has it been used to help transparency of policy and multi-way
communication? Why has it not happened so far? Is anyone expecting orders
from beyond Himalayas telling them what to do or are they too scared they
will lose the control they have?
All these and many related questions should be raised and discussed and it
cannot be done by people who cannot openly speak their minds since there
will be repercussions from the organizations, which in some cases would
affect even their livelihood.
Internet is here to stay. This may be the last election where members would
continue to be in the dark. By the time next election is up, every member
will have access to Internet and no one will be able to hide anything that
is going on.
On 4/30/08, <> wrote:
> All,
> Hmmmm, COMMUNICATION is the primary, most fundamental purpose of the
> Absolute and the Creation which came into existance to facilitate that
> PURPOSE and GOAL. The Internet is representative of the EXPANSION of
> COMMUNICATION of MANKIND! Any Suppression of occurance of a more IDEAL
> COMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENT could be viewed in a most negative light.The Ideal
> of Freedom is benched upon Free Expression and Communication.
> Regards,
> John
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: "Govert Schuller" < <>>
> Dear MKR,
> Just for the record and to dispel some of your hunches.
> Chris doesn't live or work at Olcott. He is in his last months of being on
> the TSA Board, having served the maximum 2 terms. I'm sure he'll be back.
> I encouraged him to start this new blog after the relative succes of his
> first one "Theosphist: Blogs from the Path" at
> Parameters are still being worked out.
> The underlying motivation comes from a certain exposure to modern
> organizational theory and practice and the realization that the TS could
> potentialy benefit from studying and applying the new ideas and practices
> that have been developed.
> It is a great experiment to facilitate FTS to participate in a reflection
> on
> the TS's own institutional structure, which means its policy-making
> process,
> its organizational culture, its governance model and concrete policy
> proposals.
> He is therefore taking a certain risk and should be recommended for that
> and
> his actions should not be interpreted with a priori suspicions as you do.
> Time and experience will tell, not projections based on past experiences
> and
> frustration.
> Govert
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "MKR" < <>>
> To: < <>>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 1:44 PM
> Subject: Re: Theos-World Three Reasons to prefer Algeo over Burnier
> > Govert:
> >
> > There are some built-in problems with a site moderated by Chris.
> >
> > He is an officer of TSA and probably he works there as an employee as
> > well(someone with info can clarify this).
> >
> > So there is going to be a lot of subtle direct and indirect pressure put
> on
> > him to moderate on posts which may not be in line with official policy
> or
> > official political interests. We will never know because moderation
> > (censoring) takes place prior to postings.
> >
> > Also we have not seen anyone from the organization or closely associated
> > with it, participating in this or other independent forums. Even we have
> > not seen Chris even though he has been around Olcott for some years. Why
> are
> > they shy or is there an unwritten boycott? (Any clairvoyants, who can
> > help!!!!)
> >
> > So if anyone wants to read unvarnished opinions and critical
> information,
> > this maillist is the place.
> >
> > Also timing of the opening of the forum makes me wonder if the
> > organizational leaders subtly encouraged him to open the forum so that
> info
> > favorable to the organizational leaders or their policies have a place
> to
> > display them to Internet users. This is especially so because of the
> > continued silence of the Algeo nominators which includes the President
> of
> > TSA, even after the Radha's doctors' certificates were sent to them.
> >
> >
> > mkr
> > ---------------
> > Govert W. Schuller wrote:
> >
> > P.S.:
> >
> > To Ramadoss 4/28: The forum started by Chris Richardson is
> semi-moderated.
> > Posting is restricted to 'authors,' but comments are unrestricted, and
> it's
> > mostly in the comments that the real meat is to be found. Chris is a
> > Theosophist who thinks for himself and his agenda is the improvement of
> the
> > organizational culture and governance model at the TSA.
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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