Re: Theos-World TS Adyar President Election
Apr 15, 2008 08:56 AM
by Drpsionic
The last time this happened e-mail did not exist but it got pretty nasty in its own way, with supporters of each candidate hinting that the other one was insane.
Considering that no sane person would want to be international president in the first place, it sort of made sense and so it became a question of which was nuttier, the failed actress or the loon who thought that she was an arhat.? It is true that John Algeo cannot stand heat very well but he takes the heat of politics very well indeed.? I'm not sure about the others.
Chuck the Heretic
-----Original Message-----
From: adelasie <>
Sent: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 9:08 am
Subject: Re: Theos-World TS Adyar President Election
Hello All,
To me it seems very strange to have theosophists campaining against
each other for office. It seem contrary to the basic ideas of
theosophy, that we support each other, love each other as blood kin,
put the other before ourself. Is this the usual way the Theosophical
Society selects its leaders?
On 15 Apr 2008 at 7:04, MKR wrote:
> I just received the following from cyberspace. It makes interesting reading
> and you decide for yourself.
> mkr
> ==============================================================
> Dear Colleague,
> This is to inform you that I have received 14 nominations from General
> Secretaries etc, who represent a totality of 17,037 votes. Dr John Algeo has
> received 21 nominations, representing a totality of 10,685 votes.
> I think we need younger people to be in charge of the Society's work and
> that they have to stay in Adyar. Dr. Algeo who is around 78, does not like
> the climate here, nor can he leave the United States for more than a short
> time, in view of his wife's condition. I believe that if elected he intends
> to work largely from America through e-mail and video conversations.
> It is necessary to have the right candidates for the officers of the
> Theosophical Society. I believe that Mrs Linda Oliveira and her husband, and
> some members from Britain , etc., will be coming to Adyar shortly, to stay
> and work here.
> You know very well that since Col. H.S. Olcott, all Presidents have lived at
> Adyar, and this was not merely a matter of their convenience. Adyar has been
> considered as a Spiritual Centre. From here the work of the Society can best
> send forth the power and blessing of the Elder Brethren. Such programmes as
> the International Convention and the School of the Wisdom, which are
> features of Adyar attract many members from around the world. Many of these
> members are able to return to their lodges with a greater understanding of
> the purpose of the Society and the work of the Founders.
> In my view it would not be a good thing to have somebody live in the United
> States and run Adyar by proxy. Adyar should be maintained as a living
> Headquarters for reasons which are obvious to those who know the history of
> the Society.
> Yours fraternally,
> Radha Burnier
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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