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Theos-World Re: The Coming Teacher?

Feb 28, 2008 03:50 PM
by nhcareyta

Dear Frank

Thank you again for this dialogue.


--- In, "Frank Reitemeyer" <dzyan@...> 
> Nigel wrote:
> Dear Frank
> Thank you again for your response.
> You may recall, this discussion arose primarily
> from the quote by Mr Govert Schuller:
> "Besides its three official objects, the mission
> of the Theosophical Society was to prepare the
> world for the coming of a great spiritual teacher,
> expected in the last quarter of the 20th century."
> ------------------------------------
> Frank:
> To me it's clear, too, that the TS was created, among other things, 
> prepare for a future bigger event including the arrival of a big 
> the Spiritual Conquerer, which HPB once called Chom-den-da
> (funny, in German it is Who-is-coming-there, which, more funny, is 
the same 
> Old High German style of Maya codices and all old Hieroglyphs as 
> Landmann found out -- video at youtube: 
> But I think that HPB meant with this great spiritual teacher not 
the 1975 
> messenger, which is not higher as the 1875 messenger.
> Nor did she mean one of the four messengers of her last photo, who 
> bring irrefutable proofs of the gupta vidya.
> The Chom-den-da or Tsong-kha-pa, the beginning and the end of the 
circle or 
> ring of messengers, will debunk the debunkers, or in simply words, 
> this irrefutable proofs, which were worked out by a handful of true 
> to the public.
> Big H was also aware of this, as surviving letters of high Lamas 
show. For 
> this reason his SS - exoteric a Schutz-Staffel or guard squadron, 
> the Schwarze Sonne or Black sun - was at least from the end of the 
> on expedition tour world wide to save the proofs of old races and 
> and ancient wisdom. He also declared publicly and private to do 
> work for the new messiah and that all his actions must be judged 
from the 
> future.
> ------------------------------------
> Nigel:
> As stated now many times, from my perspective I do
> not agree with his emphasis on ".prepare the world
> for the coming of a great spiritual teacher."
> ------------------------------------
> Frank:
> So what? You are free for your opinion.
> I think otherwise.
> If my opinion is right, Besant and Leadbeater with their 
> views on messengers would be much near to the truth than you.
> ------------------------------------
> Nigel:
> Frank you ask, "What do you mean by appearance in
> human form? Do they usually appear in animal form?"
> Ha:) Perhaps not.
> My meaning was that the masters' ongoing work as
> I understand it, does not necessarily require
> their physical presence, and to focus on this,
> or even themselves as distinct entities, can
> preclude us from recognising their multitudinous
> array of work.
> ------------------------------------
> Frank:
> Mmmh, what I know from HPB and others and Mahatma Letters, HPB's 
> seem to be very physical humans.
> But for their work they are of course independent from the physical 
> limitations.
> They can of cause preclude us, but OTOH they have given us 
> insight into their work unparalleled in recorded history.

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