Re: Theos-World Tesla/Keely
Feb 01, 2008 10:43 AM
by Augoeides-222
Find a good psychiatric resource. They weren't projections, it wasn't beamed energy, it wasn't U. S. Navy bombers with missiles attached, it wasn't predeployed explosives in the buildings, it wasn't the CIA, it wasn't a UFO, it wasn't natural phenomena, it wasn't a conspiracy by the American Government, it wasn't the Jews and the Builderbergers, it wasn't----------
Are you getting the message? Grow up and somehow become a Human being. How easily you ignore the deaths of so many innocent wonderful productive people. Shame on you and all your kind forever. You care nothing for the five Children's Nursery's that were in the Twin Towers and the children who were murdered. You care nothing for the hundreds of brave self-sacrificing Public Servants, Firemen, Priests, Engineers,Professionals in all walks of life. And you care nothing for the passengers on the airplanes that were hijacked, The baby's, children, husbands, wives, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts and uncles and cousins who all had their lives, their futures, their hopes and dreams, their loves and all they cherish torn away without consent or agreement by the most immoral degenerate foul pestilence on this earth. Over 500 Firemen died there and they will forever be remembered by any good American and the larger part of the rest of the world. Even in our enemies countries people wept w
hile you jumped in joy and grinned your evil smile how proud you must feel. Cantor Corp. in one of the two Towers lost 770 people who were all personal friends and deeply loved by the Founder who hired all of them and cherished each and every one of them.
It took years and billions of dollars to search and find the scattered torn fragments of all the lost beloved people who perished in the Twin Towers. Soulless and without merit is the cast you have found yourself in what hope do you have?
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Martin <>
Interesting you taped the projected planes, did you
also tape the guy who was beaming them up into the
Theosophy is also about investigating natural
phenomena, so the topic suits in this forum.
But Theosphy is not about experimenting with natural
phenomena if others are affected in their willing.
--- wrote:
> Cass,
> I taped the planes hitting the Twin Towers and
> have it all on video live. These people are nuts and
> so are you for drinking their poison so willingly
> and without any compassion 9it disgusts me to see
> this allowed on this Forum!!!
> John
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: Cass Silva <>
> From Andrew Johnson (UK):
> http://www.prlog. org/10048184- scientists-
> see-wtc-hutchiso n-effect- parallel. html
> Scientists See WTC - Hutchison Effect Parallel
> 14th and 18th January 2008, Washington DC, USA - In
> two appearances on a Washington DC Pacifica Radio
> Station, WPFW, on a show hosted by Author and
> Political Commentator Ambrose I. Lane, Sr., Dr. Judy
> Wood, a former Professor of Mechanical Engineering,
> and John Hutchison, experimental scientist,
> discussed how photographic and video evidence
> suggest that the World Trade Centre (WTC) towers
> were destroyed using Directed Energy Weapons (DEW).
> Many of the observed effects resemble those seen in
> John Hutchison's experiments.
> In early January 2008, Wood posted a new study on
> her website (http://drjudywood. com/articles/ JJ),
> which relates effects seen in photographs taken
> before, during and after the destruction of the WTC
> complex, to effects seen in Hutchison's ongoing
> experiments. Wood and Hutchison co-authored the
> study.
> John Hutchison is a Canadian inventor and
> experimental scientist who has been working with
> "field effects" for almost 30 years. The Hutchison
> Effect is a collection of phenomena discovered
> accidentally by John Hutchison in 1979 during
> attempts to reproduce the work of Nikola Tesla.
> Hutchison uses radio frequency and electrostatic
> sources. The Hutchison Effect occurs in a volume of
> space where the beams intersect and interfere. The
> results are levitation of heavy objects, fusion of
> dissimilar materials such as metal and wood,
> anomalous melting (without heating) of metals
> without burning adjacent material, spontaneous
> fracturing of metals (which separate by sliding in a
> sideways fashion), and both temporary and permanent
> changes in the crystalline structure and physical
> properties of metal samples.
> Hutchison has reproduced his experiments many times
> and the results are recorded on video and have been
> included in a number of TV documentaries that focus
> on unusual scientific experiments. Hutchison's metal
> samples have been repeatedly tested by scientists,
> including a group at the Max Planck Institute in
> Germany, confirming Hutchison Effects.
> The article by Wood and Hutchison
> (http://drjudywood. com/articles/ JJ) documents
> effects and events seen in the vicinity of the World
> Trade Centre and compares these with observed
> characteristics of the Hutchison Effect.
> The observed effects include:
> "Weird Fires" - The fires seen near the badly
> damaged cars do not seem to ignite nearby office
> paper. Some photos show firefighters walking very
> close to or even through the fires. A video by John
> Hutchison shows similar looking "fires" on a model
> metal boat.
> Bent Beams and "Jellification" - Samples that
> Hutchison produced show very unusual effects on
> metal. Sometimes the metal "jellifies," turning soft
> and losing form, leading to severe bending or
> fracturing of the sample. Sometimes samples erupt
> from the centre and sometimes they turn to dust,
> similar to what happened to the WTC on 9/11.
> Ongoing reactions - Hutchison's samples often show
> an ongoing reaction, even after the energy field is
> removed. This "non-self-quenching" reaction seems to
> occur at the nuclear level. This also appears to be
> happening at Ground Zero (GZ). Dr. Wood's study
> suggests that the WTC site is still being
> "decontaminated," with trucks moving dirt into and
> out of the site, while "hosing down operations"
> continue, which Dr. Wood and Andrew Johnson
> photographed and recorded on video in January 2008.
> Transmutation - Sometimes materials subjected to the
> Hutchison Effect seem to change at a molecular or
> even atomic level. This could be the explanation for
> the apparent rapid rusting at GZ, where steel rusts
> like iron. Also, some photographs show unusual
> effects on the aluminium cladding used on the twin
> towers that look similar to effects produced on
> Hutchison's aluminum samples.
> Wood, Hutchison, and Johnson appeared on two Ambrose
> Lane shows, "We Ourselves," and discussed the
> similarities between the WTC event and the
> experimental evidence produced by the Hutchison
> Effect. "I have been collecting data over the last
> year and a half or so and I have found these
> distinct and unusual characteristics, which I have
> given names such as 'fuming' and 'toasted' cars ¡V I
> have even noticed flipped cars in some pictures,"
> said Wood. "In some cases, the flipped cars are
> sitting next to trees that are fully covered with
> leaves."
> "If the flipping of the cars was caused by big
> explosions or 'wind' from the towers coming down,"
> asked Johnson, "how did the leaves stay on the
> trees?" Material scientist George Hathaway observes
> that the Hutchison Effect causes either lift or
> disruption of the material itself. Lift explains the
> flipped cars. (http://drjudywood. com/pdf/Hutchiso
> nEffectReport_ txt.pdf )
> In some of his experiments, Hutchison observed
> "spontaneous combustion" where "fires appeared out
> of nowhere." He also confirmed that Col. John
> Alexander and others from the U.S. military visited
> him in 1983 and filmed his experiments with a team
> from Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL).
> (http://www.weoursel wpfw_011808_
> judy-andrew2. mp3 ) Canadian MP Chuck Cook and Dr
> Lorn A Kuehne of the Canadian Security Intelligence
> Service (CSIS) contacted him in 1986 and told him
> his work was "a matter of National Security."
> (http://www.drjudywo JJ/JJ8.html)
> Hutchison says he's been told that defense
> contractor, S.A.I.C., has his technology and has
> been developing it. (http://drjudywood. com/media/
> 071212_JohnHutch ison-TruthH. mp3 )
> Asked about ongoing dirt removal and hosing down at
> the WTC complex, Hutchison commented, "I think there
> is an ongoing reaction or 'infection.'" Wood noted
> that the damage done to the Bankers Trust (Deutsche
> Bank) building was repaired, but then they decided
> to take the building down. This evidence indicates
> there is a continuing reaction there. Rusting beams
> in the Bankers Trust building and in the temporary
> PATH train station also suggest ongoing reactions
> too.
> At the end of the first show, a caller said, "This
> is a revelation beyond revelations¡Kthis trumps
> everything¡KIf this story ever gets out, it will
> change the course of the United States' and the
> whole world's history."
> Another caller said during the second show, "I am
> thinking that these revelations we are hearing this
> morning should have the people so excited and so
> outraged that they should be flooding the lines to
> their congressmen and news people to get this
> message out as the number one story of the year."
> For more information please see:
> http://www.drjudywo JJ/
> http://www.hutchiso
> WPFW Related:
> http://www.weoursel
> http://www.wpfw. org/
> Audio of interviews:
> We Ourselves Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson 14 Jan
> 2007.mp3
> We Ourselves Dr J Wood J Hutchison and A Johnson 18
> Jan 2007.mp3
> Phenomenon
> "The Hutchison Effect"
> Anomalies at the WTC
> Weird Fires
> The fires seen near the toasted cars don't seem to
> ignite the paper. Some photos show firemen walking
> very or even through them. Are they "cold" fires?
> JJ1.html
> JJ2.html
> Bent Beams
=== message truncated ===
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