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Re: Theos-World Re: Pope and black Goddess

Nov 21, 2007 04:14 PM
by Augoeides-222

Christina and all,
   There as long a tradition of the Black Madonna and evenb statues of her to still be seen in the West. I might reccomend:

"The Black Goddess And The Unseen Real" by Peter Redgrove, 1987, ISBN# 0-8021-1054-1,
The Grove Press. Also The Anaclypsis of Geoffrey Higgins as well as Madame Blavatsky's Works have content of the varients of the Black Madonna/Goddess. Peter Redgrove's Book is a very excellence work well worth reading.

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "christinaleestemaker" <> 
The left hand walkers have also a black Goddesh, they call Kali.

O Kali, my mother full of bliss! Enchantress of the almighty Shiva!
In Thy delirious joy Thou dancest, clapping Thy hands together!
Thou art the Mover of all that move, and we are but Thy helpless toys.

-- Ramakrishna Paramhans

Kali is one of the most well known and worshipped Hindu Goddesses. 
The name Kali is derived from the Hindu word that means "time", and 
that also means "black". Kali in Hinduism, is a manifestation of the 
Divine Mother, which represents the female principle. Frequently, 
those not comprehending her many roles in life call Kali the goddess 
of destruction. She destroys only to recreate, and what she destroys 
is sin, ignorance and decay. She is equated with the eternal night, 
is the transcendent power of time, and is the consort of the god 
Shiva. It is believed that its Shiva who destroys the world, and Kali 
is the power or energy with which Shiva acts. Therefore, Kali is 
Shiva's shakti, without which Shiva could not act. Kali receives her 
name because she devours kala (Time) and then resumes her own dark 
formlessness. This transformative effect can be metaphorically 
illustrated in the West as a black hole in space. Kali as such is 
pure and primary reality (the "enfolded order" in modern physics); 
formless void yet full of potential.

The Matsyapurana states that Kali began as a tribal Goddess of the 
high mountain region of Mount Kalanjara, which is in north-central 
India and east of the Indus Valley. However, because of the 
relatively recent origin of the Matsyapurana we cannot be certain 
when or where the worship of Kali actually began. We do know however, 
that she was mentioned in the Upanishads, which were written a 
thousand years before the Matsyapurana. In the Vedas the name is 
associated with fire god Agni, the god of fire, who had seven 
flickering tongues of flame, of which Kali was the black, horrible 

--- In, "Konstantin 
Zaitzev" <kay_ziatz@...> wrote:
> --- In, "adelasie" wrote:
> > But here in the USA it's been a joke for some time that 
> > God is "really" a woman.
> I've heard that some Pope in 60's or 70's said that God is not 
> a female nature, but this pope was soon dismissed and replaced by 
> a more dogmatic one.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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