Re: Secret code in "Isis Unveiled"?
Nov 14, 2007 09:26 AM
by christinaleestemaker
Possibly this is the secret from the Rosecruse page 394-404
In my books part 2 474-485
There are given codes and hieroglives and numbers of the knigts of
Heredom from Kilwinning, Kadoshknights also this codes have to do
with freemansonry.
Vr gr Christina
-- In, "Frank Reitemeyer" <dzyan@...>
> A linguist called "Sister Adriana-Maria" is said to have done a
three-years research on HPB's first book Isis Unveiled and that she
has found a secret code, a "new polyalphabetic cipher":
> Has anyone more details of this code?
> Frank
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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