Re: Off Topic- Ringing Cedars of Siberia
Nov 05, 2007 02:37 AM
by Konstantin Zaitzev
--- In, "Anton Rozman" <anton_rozman@...>
> I am sorry to hear that. It seems that I still want to strongly
> believe in the sincerety of people. Is this naive or wise?
It's rather wise than naive. For there is some truth in the teaching
on cedars, and those who join the movement sincerely, without any
selfish motives, according to the law of similarties, will be able to
get all the true element from the teaching and avoid the false element
and its bad consequences.
In my opinion the problem of the people who suffer from false
teachings and from being mistreated by the false gurus is that they
had some hidden selfish motive.
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