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Sep 14, 2007 11:52 PM
by leonmaurer
Michael, Like the assumptions (you call, "speculations") -- which you claim are unobservable in "space-time reality" -- your literal anthropomorphized Biblical commentaries are equally speculative interpretations of scriptural metaphors, allegories, symbols and glyphs that also have no actual physical reality... Yet, do have direct relationship to the primal beginning of the Cosmos -- ages before physical Mankind appeared on Earth -- If only we could see the actual reality such metaphors and allegories picture symbolically. Rather than make speculative literal interpretations of them, we need to study Kabbala to understand the real (scientific) meaning of those Biblical commentaries. According to that Kabbalistic view, based directly on the experiential knowledge of Moses, who was an "initiate" of the Egyptian Priests' secret or sacred knowledge, and the first "Freemason") -- the first MAN (Adam Kadmon) is the initial spiritually conscious nature of the Universe (actually the "Solar System as a direct reflection of it, that explains the Egyptian "Solar God") who ultimately transmuted (alchemically?) into physical Mankind (Adam and Eve) on Earth. Therefore, we could assume from this, that the paradisiacal "Garden of Eden? in the Bible could be the initial abode of Adam Kadmon (presumedly androgynous before the split into male and female) -- before the fall... Which, aso interpreted scientifically, could very well be the fall from spirit to matter (or spiritual substance to physical substance). See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Kadmon >From a hypothetical scientific viewpoint, the symbolism you quoted could actually refer to the fractal descent of the first spiritual conscious beings -- i.e., the first 2+4+8 "sons" (Suns) of universal MIND (Manas-Mahatma-Man) that would have come into existence during the initial HOT (fiery) expansion, and fractal involutional descent at the primal beginning (of the Big Bang). All this occurring in perfect symmetry at the first instant of metric time. In other words, this primal spherical triune monad, or initial field (vehicle) of cosmic consciousness, would be the initial condition of the Cosmic mind prior to its (fiery) FALL (through fractal involution) into phenomenal physical matter and its ultimate objective forms (after initial inflation and breaking of symmetry). Thus, incidentally, explaining the "'Fall' of Man" in the Bible, as well as the apparent duality between what you call "observer consciousness" and "self reflective consciousness"... Which I see as (1) singular Cosmic or primal consciousness and (2) multiply separated individualized consciousness... Both being identical, with respect to awareness, will, and cause of qualia, and inseparable at the fundamental primal SPACE or zero-point of conscious experience. Accordingly, we could know what it is to experience being a bat by analogy and correspondence. We see and locate holographically by sight and sound (binocularly and binaurally) the same way they do by sound alone. And, I'm sure their smell, taste, and touch, are much the same as ours, other than differences in levels of sensitivity. Therefore, the Universe, right from the beginning in primal SPACE, located everywhere in the Planck vacuum, is governed by fundamental cyclic laws inherent in the initial spinergy of the primal "singularity" and is omipresent, omniscient and omnipotent -- with no need of a separate personal GOD-creator with miraculous powers. In fact, the caduceus, The thunderbird (linked to the swastika), and other mystical symbols such as the Ouroboros (snake with tail in mouth), the twin triangle Seal of Solomon (star of David), etc., have far more profound, scientifically rational and truthful meanings than you, or other fundamentalist religious proselytizers could ever attribute to them or imagine. That Big Bang fiery explosion, and descending fractal involutions of conscious universal mind could be what is meant by the "descent in fiery chariots," etc. And, Ezekial and Elijah, like Noah and other "ancients" in the Bible, could very well be anthropomorphized characterizations of those primal conscious entities who descend (incarnate?) into physical mankind... With the Biblical flood, being another metaphor, symbolizing the transformation of the encoded imagery (e.g., passing through the allegorical "waters of space") from the spiritual-mental worlds, to the Astral-Physical worlds... Along with the Ark being a metaphorical allegory, describing the transcendent fields of genetic memory carrying the informational "seeds" of all forms of sentient nature (later expressed physically in the DNA molecule describing each such organism). All that fundamental reality can be experienced directly in Samadhi meditation -- as reported in the visions of the prophets, and by countless initiated meditative Masters and Adepts -- following the instructions given by the Buddha directly to his disciples, and as explained by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, as well as in the Hindu Upanishads and Puranas, along with Patanjali, and all other initiated gurus. This can also all be scientifically explainable, hypothetically, in terms of pure Cosmic consciousness coupled with the noumenal matter-energy (spin momentum) that is the inherent nature of the primal or absolute SPACE -- out of which this whole space-time universe emanated, involved fractally, expanded and evolved into the Cosmos and all sentient beings, up until the appearance of physical mankind. Any other interpretation of such conscious experiences or evolution of Man, as described metaphorically and symbolically in the biblical scriptures, is rooted in miracles and a personal God-creator outside of primal SPACE and eternal TIME (Infinite duration) that, from a purely scientific philosophical point of view MUST be the source of all consciousness and physical being, along with metric time, metric space, and the speed of light that defines all physical (but NOT meta- or supra-physical) existences. In the higher order fields located everywhere in the Planck vacuum, the speed of light varies up to near infinite velocities, the closer the fields get to the zero-point of absolute or primal SPACE (that, in itself, is timeless and dimensionless). Note the potentially infinite "zero-point energy" in the Planck vacuum measured by the Casimir effect, and the action at a distance "entanglement" of the Aspect experiment. Therefore. the underlying metaphysical reality is just as "existent" as the metric physical reality, and the scientific explanations of that reality (even if only hypothetical and unfalsifiable) are far more consistent with modern scientific thought related to physics and cosmology -- (which, in QFT, LQG, string, M and Holographic Paradigm theories, etc., are coming closer and closer to realizing the fundamental metaphysical truths underlying overall reality) -- than are the faith based ideas of fundamentalists and creationists literal interpretations of the Bible... None of which are appropriate as evidence in scientific discussions of consciousness and its relationship to mind, memory, brain, body, senses, the objective world, or space-time itself. Leon Maurer In a message dated 9/14/07 6:32:44 AM, "Michael Cecil" mececil@sbcglobal.net writes: > > > On Aug 28, 2007, at 2:33 PM, richfaussette wrote: > > > >>Even the gnosis of Jesus Christ was transmitted in public when the > > >>apostles seeing Jesus after his resurrection/gnosis all receive > > >>tongues of fire on their heads (Agni god of fire was wrapped in > > >>robes of fire for his ascent to the godhead)signifiying their > > >>communal enlightenment. > > Oops. > > You are speculating on something of which you have no Knowledge. > > This was not an observable occurrence in the space-time reality. > > Neither, by the way, was the ascent of Elijah in a 'chariot of fire' > or was the 'chariot' of Ezekiel. > > This is a very specific reference to what is referred to in the > monotheistic traditions (the book of Daniel, Ezekiel, the Gospels) as > the Vision of the "Son of man", symbolized as the caduceus, the > Thunderbird in the American Indian traditions, the crucifixion of > Jesus between two thieves at the "place of the skull", and as > Mohammed's "Night Journey" on al-buraq. > > Michael Cecil > > http://unsealing-the-seven-seals.blogspot.com/ > > ************************************** See what's new at http://www.aol.com [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]