Master KH and HPB on Pranayama
Jul 27, 2007 08:13 AM
by danielhcaldwell
Master Koot Hoomi writes the following about a person who had
practised pranayama:
. . . he has nevertheless, by the injudicious practice of pranayam,
developed in himself to some extent mediumship --- IS TAINTED FOR
caps added.
quoted from:
Compare this with what H.P. Blavatsky taught in her esoteric
Now, the science of Hatha Yoga rests upon the 'suppression of
breath,' or Prânâyâma. . . .Prâna, as said, is not
Jîva, the eternal fount of life immortal; nor is it connected in any
way with Pranava, as some think, for Pranava is a synonym of AUM in a
mystic sense. As much as has ever been taught publicly and clearly
about it is to be found in Nature's Finer Forces. If such directions,
however, are followed, they can only lead to Black Magic and
mediumship. . . . The science of the Five Breaths, the moist, the
fiery, the airy, etc., has a twofold significance and two
applications. The Tântrikas take it literally, as relating to the
regulation of the vital, lung breath, whereas the ancient Râja Yogîs
understood it as referring to the mental or 'will' breath, which
alone leads to the highest clairvoyant powers, to the function of the
Third Eye, and the acquisition of the true Râja Yoga Occult powers.
The difference between the two is enormous.
Quoted from Volume III of THE SECRET DOCTRINE, p. 502.
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