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"Did Leadbeater plagiarize the books of the Tibetan?"

Feb 25, 2007 07:57 AM
by danielhcaldwell

"Did Leadbeater plagiarize 
the books of the Tibetan?"

The Tibetan writes (The Rays and the Initiations, pp. 250-251):

There are certain phases of teaching and knowledge which I have given 
to the world which are relatively new - new to the modern esotericist 
and occult student though not new to disciples and initiates. It 
might be useful here if I mentioned one or two of these new aspects 
of the fundamental Truth which have been given by me to the public. 
If these new phases of the teaching have been later given to the 
public by other occult groups, it will have been because the 
information was gained by those who have read the books put out by 
A.A.B. for me or who are directly and consciously in touch with my 

An instance of this is that book by C. W. Leadbeater on "The Masters 
and the Path" which was published later than my book, Initiation, 
Human and Solar. If the dates of any given teaching are compared with 
that given by me, it will appear to be of a later date than mine. I 
say this with no possible interest in any controversy among occult 
groups or the interested public, but as a simple statement of fact 
and as a protection to this particular work of the Hierarchy. I would 
remind you that the instructions given by me as, for instance, those 
in A Treatise on White Magic and A Treatise on the Seven Rays were 
given sequentially over a period of years, antedating the publishing 
of the books. The same time-factor prevailed in the publishing of the 
earlier books. All my books were written over a long period of years, 
prior to publishing. All that appears of the same type of information 
over other signatures harks back to these books. Even if denied by 
their writers, a comparison of the dates of publishing with the 
original dates of issuing the instructions (in the form of monthly 
sets for reading and study in the Arcane School) or with the books 
published before the formation in 1925 of the Disciples [251] Degree 
of the Arcane School will prove this conclusively. Bear in mind this 
factor of timing. A.A.B. takes down to my dictation an average of 
seven to twelve pages of typing (single-spaced) each time she writes 
for me; but owing to the exigencies of my work I cannot dictate to 
her every day, though I have found that she would gladly take my 
dictation daily if I so desired; weeks sometimes elapse between one 
dictation and another. I write the above paragraphs for the 
protection of the hierarchical work in years to come and not for the 
protection of A.A.B. or myself...
See online at:

Now COMPARE AND CONTRAST  the above with what I posted from the pen 
of Jerry Hejka-Ekins:

"From my earlier perusal of AAB's writings, I found that many of her
teachings were drawn directly from Besant and Leadbeater's E.S.
writings, which to this day, are not publicly available...."

"...The Maitreya teaching was originally tied to Krishnamurti, the 
supposed vehicle for the Maitreya/Christ return. Besant, in an ES 
talk in 1909 or 10, presented the earliest (that I'm aware of) full 
description of what later became credited as the Bailey hierarchy—
Maitreya and all. This was published in The Link (a London ES 
journal) and in the American EST Bulletin in 1910, I think, but no 
later than this. Also in January 1912, CWL and AB were called by the 
Maitreya to prepare Krishnamurti and Jinarajadasa for their second 
initiation. The boys were taken to Taormina in Sicily for the 
training. Much of the material in Masters and the Path comes from 
these early events. The account of this 1912 initiation begins on pg. 
298 in my 2nd edition (1927)."

"According to her Autobiography, (If my memory serves me correctly)
Bailey's first contact with Theosophy was through the Pacific Grove
Lodge around 1912. She moved to Krotona Hollywood a year or two
thereafter where she joined the ES, and gained access to the material
concerning the inner government and initiations, which was only
circulated through the ES at that time. However, you will find hints 
of it in the Theosophist. Bailey states in her Autobiography that she
began taking psychic dictation from "the Tibetan" around 1917 or 18 
and left Krotona shortly afterwards (I'm recalling from her 
Autobiography that I read years ago, so my memory may not exactly 
match her dates, but they should be close). Initiation Human and 
Solar was published in 1922 — her first book — I think. I read it 
some years ago, and found it very faithful to the ES teachings [of 
Leadbeater/Besant] as they were presented from 1910-1918."
Collated from two of Jerry's postings which can be found at:


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