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Re: CW Leadbeater Site

Feb 24, 2007 03:35 AM
by Mark Jaqua

Re:  CW Leadbeater Site

    Since it has been proven beyond most anyone's
doubt that Leadbeater was a pedophile (failed
probationary chela) (And one should check out his
black tantric "exoteric" meditation method in Tillet's
book....) - One has to wonder about the ethical values
of people who STILL support him.  What does this say
about THEM personally?  How can they not be so
disgusted that they throw him out?  They always bring
up that there is _some_ truth in CWL.  Well, you have
to have a little truth in any Big Lie to pull it off. 
There is _some_ truth in any one and any system.

          - jake j.

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