Re: Levitation of Stone Blocks
Feb 17, 2007 03:58 AM
by Mark Jaqua
Re: Levitation of Stone blocks
My bet people could never do it
in the West, because they don't have
the paradigm for it. In an isolated
Tibetan monastery 75yrs ago, they
still lived in a perception-state
in which they thought such things
were possible, and so didn't have to
bypass a bunch of western belief-states
that such things are impossible. Its
probably really a human ability to
control whatever elementals are involved,
but, as well as the training, one would
have to believe in his gut that it
was possible - which from conditioning
nobody in the modern world could.
- jake j.
>I'd like to see that reproduced in a laboratory.
>At the very least it would make one hell of a new weapon!
>Chuck the Heretic
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