Re: Theos-World Re: The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925: A History & a Surve
Feb 07, 2007 03:45 AM
by M K Ramadoss
In addition to what is in print or out of print, I have benefitted from the
exchange of msgs on this and other maillists. Finally, one has to make one's
own judgements on matters of the past.
On 2/7/07, Konstantin Zaitzev <> wrote:
> > The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925: A History & a Survey
> > by Editors of Theosophy Magazine (John Garrigues & others)
> >
> I also feel that I have to warn "all newcomers to theosophy" that
> this series of essays gives extermely one-sided view and cannot be
> considered as a sourse for a first impression about Adyar-Pasadena
> controversy.
> Though it can be certainly read as a document consistently expressing
> the opinion of one of the sides (regarding Judge case; the events
> after his death certainly express not TS Pasadena, but ULT point of
> view).
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