Re: Theosophy Translated
Feb 05, 2007 10:58 PM
by Anton Rozman
John and Konstantin,
It is quite normal that the translator is more sensible and skeptic
regarding the use of the "mechanic translation" and that he finds it
deficient, while the common reader is quite happy to get the
information which would be otherwise unattainable for him. So, the
usefulness of this tool is relative in regard to the needs of the
"Mechanic translation" usually uses for its process corpuses of
the "translation memory" – past translations between a definite pair
of languages – searching for the past or similar translating
solutions. Probably there are very rare theosophical and similar
texts which were inserted in such "translating memories" till now and
therefore gaps are obvious and understandable. So, there is much work
to do to overcome, at least a little, these gaps in the "mechanic
Warmest regards,
--- In, samblo@... wrote:
> Kay,
> Thanks those are really quite funny results as you say. I didn't
> anything quite as bizarre as your getting for some strange reason.
It did say the
> translator is a "Beta" version meaning I think you know that it is
a firs test
> version that is being polished and floated on the public for
criticisms. So
> far I have only used the "translate entire web page less than a
dozen times and
> did notice some words that could not be translated
like "vostockovedami" and
> other infrequent problem words. The syntax is some times jumbled
and hard to
> follow but in the main most of the content was coherent and did
give some real
> idea of the page contents which is better than no translation at
all. I spent
> several hours using the word or phrase translation option which
seems to work
> fine. I translated all the Photo Labels of Sakharov Shambhala
Expedition into
> English and was able to then know where they were taken at and in
what Temple
> or Gompa it made me quite happy to have this free service and in
time I think
> it will be all sorted out to the better. I really don't know why
your results
> were so bizarre, did you actually use the Google language Tool or
did you use
> another?
> Cordially,
> John
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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